
The Benefits Of A College Education

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I feel it is important to encourage our youth to enroll in college at a minimum obtain a bachelor's degree and understand the career benefits of a college education. A well-rounded core curriculum, at a higher learning institution, is a luxury for some. Yet, the financial burdens of today will not outlast the career and financial opportunities that a college degree will secure for a stable future. Individuals can have a greater advantage if they utilize the free tuition act, apply for financial aid, state and local grants, scholarships, and work-study programs. However, more and more people are beginning to question the true need, value, and benefits of a college degree. With the internet readily available to all, does one really need to sit in a classroom for the next four years when you can just ask google? Should having job and family stability with health care benefits be so far-fetched that people are willing to sacrifice them for minimum wage jobs in service industries. Albert Einstein stated that “education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think.” We as individuals should re-think the endless career opportunities that are associated with higher learning. There is no secret that everyone wants more money whether its paid by wages or applying for a loan, it’s a unanimous desire. Being financially compensated is the drive for most people ages 18 – 25. It’s been stated that college graduates earn a hundred thousand dollars more in

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