
The Benefits Of College Education

Decent Essays

In the United States today, it seems that attending college is almost required for you to be successful in the future. Starting in elementary school, students are told that they need a college degree to obtain any kind of meaningful employment. This system seems flawed because other countries offer alternatives to college degrees that have proved successful. The United States should explore other means to obtaining a successful career in the future. One main alternative to college degree could be an apprenticeship. An apprentice is a person who works for another in order to learn a trade. When you start an apprenticeship you have the opportunity to learn as you work. Rather than being stuck in a classroom all week, you can get hands-on experience. This is beneficial because you will have more practical experience over someone who has only attended the classes required. When taking this route you will not be required to take out any sort of loan, which is a major con of enrolling in college. “As of June 2016, about 42 million Americans owed $1.3 trillion in student debt, and 45% of people with student loan debt said college was not worth it. According to the US Congress Joint Economic Committee, approximately 60% of 2011 college graduates have student loan debt balances equal to 60% of their annual income.”(“Student Debt: Lives on Hold”) Some apprenticeships offer money to the apprentice which is the exact opposite of a student loan. There is also a better chance of you

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