An early childhood education student planing on becoming a teacher needs to know certain things about children before stepping into a classroom. They must look at their own personality and how they handle stress. An upcoming teacher must have a mindful awareness, focused attention, and self authority. Mindful awareness skills in stress can be mixed in with your relationships with your peers and social skills. If a teacher is not well balance when it comes to stressful situations they wouldn’t be prepared to deal with stress in the classroom and can affect the students you are teaching. Becoming a teacher you are exploring and teaching young minds by developing their own skills. They need to be prepared for the stress and impact it can have …show more content…
If a student struggles socializing with their classmates at an early age they begin to close themselves off and might lead to getting bullied. Bullying can effect a students academic education and self confidence. Early childhood education find it difficult to control the bullying in the classroom. It is a principle becoming teachers need to be aware of and know how to distinguish the difference between bullies and victims and know how to handle the situation. Help the student victimize with bullying because it may have a major effect on their future. The teacher having the advantage of knowing what going on in the classroom can help a young student overcome their struggles. Early childhood education lets us explore the importance of education is to a young child who is still developing their own personality. Teachers need to be aware of their students spiritual and humorous personality. Before becoming a teacher a person must connect theses points together. Teachers are encouraged to participate in storytelling mixed with imagination, humor, rules, and joy. For early childhood education, children ages five to six years old, are the perfect age to explore their spiritual behavior because they are eager to learn. A kindergarten teacher did a study on what spiritual experiences and expressions look like for a kindergarten student. She observed four children, two boys and two
Children in learning settings may come across various types of experiences like bullying, cyber-bullying, discrimination, etc. These types of experiences where perpetrator could also be a child or a group of children can disturb the process of learning. It also has long term effects on the child being bullied and the child/ group of children who are bullying.
I think that there are not enough many professional with dual certification because there was not much demand. I believe that if more programs implement the early childhood inclusion in their curriculums more professionals will have the dual certification. If there is more demand of dual certification professional the cost of it will decrease and more people will be able to have this certification.
Health promotion is very important to early childhood education to improve the well-being of children and parents’ health and behaviours. “It is important for early childhood educators to recognized their essential role as health promotors” (Pimento & Kernested 2015, P. 4). There are 12 social determinants in daily life for childhood programs, however I have identified that social support networks are most important determinants of health. Likewise, educators and families are both mutually directly and indirectly supporting children to improve their healthy development and education (Pimento & Kernested, 2015, P.34). In early childhood, educators have very important role in daycare which is communication. That means, that we need to communicate with family (parent, grandparent), children and coworkers to share the daily basic tasks and any other ideas or information for improving environments and supports. It is especially important that we support mothers who have very limited knowledge about their first-born baby, such as lack of information about breastfeeding, sleeping routine, formula ratios, nutrition, healthy eating habits, or any parental skills. Not only that, we can also help parents to get benefits and support from the government such as financial support, subsidized daycare, and community information resources on healthy nutrition food.
Early Childhood Education teachers know that our children deserve to learn the important lessons from us and to acquire important habits with our help. Teachers and future teachers want our children to grow up to be responsible adults. Also, teachers are trying to find the perfect way to deal with children with different type of behavior. Teachers have to deal with parents, giving them a satisfactory result of their child developmental progress and security. My philosophy of guiding young children behavior is to use the combination of collaboration, positive attitude, and patience.
Thesis Statement: Early childhood education has many benefits and there is the potential for many significant outcomes if universal preschools were put into place.
Over the past century, the role of education has greatly increased in areas all over Canada. It has grown in not just in the number of students attending, but also in the ways it has been offered. Before the 1960’s, the education of children consisted solely of parenting done at home (Molnar, 2002, p. 2). Over time, due to the growing importance of education, schools have slowly begun to target younger and younger generations. As a result, non-parental education has become the norm of today’s society starting for children as early as ages three to four (Molnar, 2002, p. 2). Over the last century, a larger percentage of mothers are choosing to remain in the work force (Khanna &
First, taking ED580 and spending time with the children has made it clear to me that early childhood (bilingual) education is what I’d love to pursue as a future career. Actually, I have long been interested in early childhood education and was intended to choose that as my major for graduate school; however, my parents urged me to choose a “broader” major such as TESOL so that I can have more career choices after graduation. Although I was not willing to, I finally compromised not to my parents, but to the reality. In China, people have the deeply-rooted misunderstanding that preschool teachers are just babysitters; as a result, the requirement of educational level for preschool teachers is rather low, namely vocational high school. It may sound crazy if someone with a mater degree wants to be a preschool teacher. Thus, preschool teachers together with early childhood education are largely undervalued in China. I always know that it is silly to undermine the importance of early childhood education, but I do not have powerful evidence to back me up to change people’s thought. Now, I think I can confidently explain to others that because human development is accumulative and progressive, early inventions on the children’s dysfunctions may have the power to change their life trajectories and their fates. Keeping in mind how powerful early childhood education is and how influential preschool educators can be, I become clearer about on what I’d love to devote my time and effort
Early childhood is a time of curiosity, a time for play, and a time of rapid development. Every child is unique and deserving of an early childhood education that facilitates academic, social, and developmental growth through a variety of enjoyable experiences. Differentiated instruction adapts content, products and processes to meet the diverse learning needs and preferences of students (Thousand, Villa, & Nevin, 2007). Friedrich Froebel, the creator of Kindergarten, believed that children grow and learn as they play (Bruno, 2009). Play-based instruction not only enables young learners to have fun, but it also encourages interactive and cooperative learning, passion for discovery, and a foundation for later learning experiences
In my 24 years of experience employed with the Department of Education I have found that working with children watching as they grow is inspiring as much as it is rewarding. Teaching helps one to sharpen their skills on all levels for the curriculum is forever changing. Being an educator has its challenging moments but its something I want to accomplish. To be successful at educating others I must continue to grow, increase and improve within.
Bullying can be prevented and defined as “an act of intentional aggression involving the selection of specific targets by bullies for specific reasons” (Wong et al. 28). Studies have shown that there are some causes that can lead a student to becoming a victim of bullying. “Physical appearance, looking weak or fat, physical or mental impairments … result in a higher risk of being bullied” (Wong et al. 28). Being a person who has any differences in early childhood than the “norm” have a higher chance of peer victimization. Studies have also shown that bullying affects mental health that results in depression and anxiety. Sandra Graham, Professor at the Department of Education, University of
In the past decade, the spotlight has been cast on the importance of children attending preschool. This topic has taken part in both political and social debates, where it is questioned if preschool really does benefit a child’s thought processes and ability to grasp on to intellectual concepts at a quicker rate. As a strong supporter of early childhood education, I have taken it upon myself to enforce this idea into the brains of millennials that are prone to believe that early childhood education is an unnecessary and an expensive luxury. Despite the sudden rise in people that belittle the importance of early childhood education in our society, I have committed my life to supporting and educating children being that they are our most valuable resource. Choosing to become both an early childhood educator and advocating that preschool become a requirement for all American children has allowed me to combine my love for children and education into a profession that will both benefit society and allow me to lead a life I am content with.
One of every five students is bullied each year (Bullying Basics,2017). Knowing that the problem of bullying is a large possibility in their classrooms, administrators’ and teachers’ main goal must be to offer a safe classroom and a positive, supportive learning environment to their students. If they work together to reach this goal, bullying can be
“Early roots of play as a best practice for early learning was documented by Plato, a Greek philosopher, who insisted that play is considered a natural activity of childhood.”(Ingrid Crowther, 2011, Pg. 2) Early Childhood Education is a term that refers to educational programs that are devoted to children from birth to the age of eight. “Children of this age learn by exploring and investigating; therefore, their environment should support and encourage this process.”(Rebecca Isbell and Betty Exelby, 2001, Pg. 11) Early childhood environments should be attractive and exciting. These environments should allow children to work and play using proper resources, materials, and tools.
The writer of Proverbs 22:6 wrote: “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it”. Early Education has benefits that can follow well into adult hood. Early childhood education is the organized practice of educating those who are in early childhood. According to the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), early childhood spans the human life from birth to age eight (Early Childhood Education, para. 1).Before 1960, educating young children was primarily dealt with in the home. Today most children spend a large part of their day away from their parents. Most attend a center based program until kindergarten. Attendance at a center-based
Early childhood education has not always been the top priority in the education world. Although, research has proved that it should be the top priority as the benefits of Early Childhood Education are innumerous. Extensive neuroscience research has discovered that the brain is build over time and it is built from the bottom up. Early childhood experiences directly affect the quality brain development. Establishing a sturdy foundation through a high quality early childhood education experience, will dramatically develop child's brain. As a result, they will have a brighter future. In this essay, I will propose a plan for the children of 2020 and how to ensure the best early childhood education experience. I personally believe that racially, culturally, linguistically and developmentally responsive practices parental involvement are critical to the sturdy foundation that is essential to the positive early childhood experience.