The Benefits of Life in Ketosis
The Ketogenic Diet, in my opinion is the most therapeutic and disease preventative diet that science has provided us. The Keto diet is quite simplistic, but the advantages are bountiful. I’ll start by providing a slight disclaimer; the causes and effects that I will state in this essay are based upon research that I have conducted and experiences of my own. The research that took place was well before I was ever thinking of going back to school, and for personal knowledge prior to embarking on a diet.
I am not aware when exactly the Ketogenic Diet was introduced to the public, but one of its predecessors was the well-known Atkins Diet. For those of us who have heard of the Atkins Diet, we were most likely
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Do not worry though, I promise, you will not be that person who is at the dinner table with friends and family all depressed with your salad while everyone else is feasting. The kicker is this, as we stated earlier, this is far from a vegetarian diet. What allows this method of eating to be extraordinarily healthy is the way that this food is prepared. Some key ingredients are, coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, almond flour, the list goes on forever. All of these products provide healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, which lubricate the heart. I encourage you to fully enjoy any bacon, steak, chicken thighs, drumsticks, cheeses, nuts, and fatty fish your hungry heart and stomach desires. The fat that is in these products will be digested quickly because the body has become acclimated to use them as a fuel source.
Now that I have explained the ingredients that cause the benefits, I can go on to explain their effects. First, the lack of carbohydrates, and what the effect is on the body by such a drastic reduction. The body converts carbohydrates into glycogen, which is used to create ATP. ATP is similar to a car battery. It creates a jumpstart of energy that allows the car to turn on. Once the car is turned on the alternator allows the car’s electronics to function. The glycogen stores in your body, for the purpose of this illustration, is the alternator. The body is altogether efficient
NEGATIVES: Due to the extra PeakO2, some users may find the taste to be quite strong initially. Newcomers are encouraged to take half a serving at first. Further, experiencing ketosis may not be suitable for everyone.
The nutritional dietary consumption of carbohydrates is between 55-75% for the vast majority of the global population as their main source of food intake and energy. And the general populous continues to be misinformed by government agencies regarding what a normal, healthy diet, should be, as well as what a balanced diet looks like. Eating a low-carb high-fat, or ketogenic, diet of high fat, adequate protein and low carbohydrates can provide many health benefits as compared to the alternative of an unhealthy diet. Research suggests that a ketogenic diet builds a healthier body than
While Season felt completely broken-down, she knew that she had no choice but to bring her background in nutrition to her own home. To build Kicker’s immunity Season implemented The Ketogenic Diet. The human body produces cancerous cells daily, so building a strong immunity is imperative when fighting off cancer cells and the harsh chemicals from treatment. The Ketogenic Diet is a new cancer treatment, which is free, with virtually no side effects. It can also be conjoined with other cancer treatments. The diet involves cutting carbohydrates, beginning with the worst carbohydrate of all, sugar (Johnson L, 2013). It is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which are then transported around the body. However, if there are little carbohydrates in the diet then the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are water molecules that are produced when the body is consuming very little food, which mimics fasting. Cancer is an obligate glucose metabolizer because it fuels on sugar. One’s normal cells have the metabolic flexibility to adapt from saving glucose by using ketone bodies (Johnson S, 2014). This addressed that because cancer
However, the Ketogenic diet (while it may seem extreme to average people) over the years it’s a health
The Medical and sports nutrition establishment are horrified by the concept of low carbohydrate and ketogenic diets. While studies are being released almost daily proving the superiority of low carb diets for fat loss, the medical establishment warns against trying them as the long term health risks are "unknown". Apparently it is a case of 'better the devil you know than the devil you don 't '.
However, it was only in 1921 in the journal Medical Record that fasting as a treat-
Dating even before Biblical times people realized that periodic and prolonged fasting was beneficial for epileptics. Little was known about why or how, but prolonged fasting could last up to 2 or 3 weeks. For some it involved clear broth diets and others abstained from everything but water (Key). It wasn’t until 1921 at the American Medical Association convention in Boston that endocrinologist (bordering on quacksalver) H. Rawle Geyelin from New York Presbyterian reported that a period of 20 day fasting had miraculously curative effect on epileptic patients (Wheless). Though the report was exciting, it was primarily anecdotal and offered no scientific explanation for how the fasting worked to stop seizures. Furthermore, therapeutic starvation wasn’t a sustainable treatment option for many epileptics, particularly for children. In 1924 Dr. Russell Wilder of the Mayo Clinic crafted a diet plan that mimicked the body’s response to fasting. What exactly is the body’s response to starvation? The body exhausts glycogen stores and begins metabolizing stored fat to create energy and power brain, and other organ activity.
This is a vegetarian recipe. You can add as much fruits and vegetables as you like. If you want to add some animal protein into the recipe, lean chicken breast is the healthy option. It is high in protein but low in fat compared
causes people to become a lot healthier and cut their chances of chronic diseases. (2)
This approach not only reduces caloric intake, it triggers the SIRT1 gene or “rescue gene”, a type of survival mechanism that protects cells, inhibits fat storage, and increases fat metabolism when food is
This diet includes very little meat, which is high in omega-6 fatty acids, and includes foods rich in Omega-3s such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil, and garlic, and drinking wine in moderation. Numerous studies have shown that those who follow this type of diet are less prone to develop heart disease.
Many people are familiar with a low carbohydrate diet and the keto diet falls within those parameters, but it has some distinct additions which are considered paramount to its
There are many different benefits that attract people towards a keto diet. The high fat and moderate protein consumption reduces the appetite, allowing weight loss without the feeling of being constantly hungry. Since carbohydrate consumption is greatly restricted, energy levels are evened out and there are not any large insulin spikes to trigger hunger (A Guide to the Keto Diet, 2013). While weight loss is the benefit people look at first, there are also several other benefits to a keto diet. Keto diet followers may also see a drop in blood pressure, heightened energy levels, and more mental clarity (Deprospo, 2015). This diet has also been shown to improve many conditions such as insulin resistance, heart disease, autism, acid reflux, and has even been used in cancer treatments (Davis, n.d.). As you can see,
One of the most popular diet today that have been around for decades is the Atkins diet. The diet is originally created for people are trying to lose weight but it is also known to be recommended for patients with refractory epilepsy. This is a ketogenic diet which means that people that are on it will have to have a low carbohydrate intake while high in protein and fat. People love this diet because it does not sound as restricted as it is because participants do not need to count their calories intake so they are still able to consume a lot of variety of food that they enjoy. And also, there have been experimental studies that have proven that the Atkin diet is the most effective diet in terms of weight loss especially in the beginning phase
Having a healthy dietary method can reduce the chances of receiving many health diseases. These health diseases include obesity, heart disease, and cancer. By consuming certain foods and nutrients in one’s diet the risk factors for these health diseases can be reduced. A healthy dietary method that is beneficial to reducing and/or improving these health diseases is the vegetarian diet. The vegetarian diet follows a dietary pattern that is characterized by the consumption of plant-like foods and the avoidance of flesh foods (meat, poultry, and fish). The foods in this diet provide the body with many essential nutrients. This is why many health benefits have been associated with the vegetarian