For years and years clones have been viewed as a negative thing. But what if cloning could save a persons life, cure them from their illnesses would it still be a bad thing? If cloning could change a person's life for the better and cure them of illnesses isn't that an admirable thing? The cloning of cells could cure so many people from illnesses that would takes years to cure. Cloning should be practiced to improve the lives and health of human beings. With advanced medical research and experiments cloning for medical treatment can be successfully accomplished. According to an article published by the National Human Genome Research institute "gene cloning is a carefully regulated technique that is largely accepted today and used routinely …show more content…
Therapeutic cloning is a "creation of an embryo -- from the genetic material of a single organism -- that will never be allowed to develop beyond a clump of cells, and will never be implanted into a woman" according to NPR ("Cloning"). Therapeutic cloning is the reproduction of stem cells not the reproduction of human cells. Reproduction of cells occurs in nature, according to Forbes Magazine "cloning is a form of reproduction whereby organisms make a copy of themselves. It is also the most common form of replication found in nature" (Forbes). Cloning cells is found in nature it is not inhuman to clone cells for medical reasoning if it is to benefit childless families and those with medical defects and …show more content…
Bioethics and Human Dignity published an article in which contains a quote: "We live in a brave new world in which reproductive technologies are ravaging as well as replenishing families. Increasingly common are variations of the situation in which "baby's mother is also grandma and sister. Sometimes extreme measures are necessary in order to have the kind of child we want" this quote exemplifies the fact that people are taking other extreme measures to have healthy children. Cloning could mean giving loving people a son or daughter or saving a life. Even though cloning has some risks the benefits out way them because the stem cells that are naturally being produced anyway is what is being used for medical treatment. It's more important that cloning is able to take place so that research is carefully done to help and better future generations to
Therapeutic cloning, what is it? Some might think it involves the cloning of a human being. In actuality, it refers to the removal of a nucleus, which contains the genetic material, from virtually any cell of the body and its transfer by injection into an egg (acquired from female) that is not fertilized and from which the nucleus has been removed. Therapeutic cloning can also be referred to somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). To perform SCNT researchers extract the nucleus from the egg, the nucleus stores all the genetic information for any living subject. Then researches take a somatic cell, which is any type of cell that is not a gamete, and extract its nucleus from the cell.
Cloning body parts has the ability to save many lives around the world. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services tently people die a day waiting for an organ transplant. Cloning creates vital organs which can stop people from suffering. People are in that waiting list for years hoping they receive that heart, lung, liver, and or other body parts. Society now has the option to help and create.There will not be anymore unneeded surgeries performed, no more waiting, but
There are many good reasons to both develop cloning and incorporate it into modern medicine. Human cloning is extremely beneficial, but there are some downsides. Many of the problems are ethical in nature. Matthew Nisbet involved the public in his article. He polled the public on their opinions about human cloning and stem cell research. He found that “The public appears to have strong reservations about research that destroys embryos”
Therapeutic cloning, unlike reproductive, is a lot more productive than harmful. The stem cells created from therapeutic cloning will have the potential to turn into many different types of body cells. Stem cells can replace worn out or damaged tissues and is an alternative to organ donation. It is less likely to result in rejection by the recipient because the tissue would be made from the recipients own genetic material. Like stated previously, therapeutic cloning does not involve the creation of a live human being.
People base their arguments concerning cloning off of norms, and with that, they ignore the possible benefits of this technology. Cloning technology may possibly benefit us in a lot of ways. It could potentially be used to reverse heart attacks, infertility, treat defective genes, and treat brain damage such as Alzheimer and Parkinson. With all the benefits behind this technology, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning should be legalized for research, experiments, and future use.
Human cloning is capable of aiding doctors and medical researchers in creating new medical treatments and therapies, which is also
The most helpful but controversial use of cloning. Therapeutic cloning could be used in a lot of good way. It could help create vital organs, it may be helpful for preventing diseases. There would be no need for organ donors and no surgery required for the second party. The other point of view is that some cells mutate and cause tumors in patients, it is painful to woman, and it is also very expensive. In the article “Arguments for and Against Creating Human Clones” it states that ”Human Cloning can provide genetically related children for people who cannot be helped by other fertility treatments.” In the article “All the Reasons to Clone Human Beings” it states that “ Human Cloning would allow two gay men to take 23 chromosomes from each and male and put them into a single egg to truly have a baby of their
Cloning is done when a cell is replicated by using asexual reproduction and turns out to be the exact same as the host. Most people believe that cloning is very harmful and weird, while some believe that cloning is good for the environment and, it helps the world become very successful. I believe that cloning is horrible because it causes large offspring syndrome, has a very high failure percentage, has unknown consequences, the economy is affected poorly, causes an abnormal population increase, makes a non-diverse population, clones are socially unaccepted, it destroys the value of life and family, it causes diseases to spread, it causes premature aging, provides security issues for people, and increases the abuse of cloning.
Some people actually say that we can benefit from cloning. Scientists think that we can clone “geniuses” and advance in society (Utah Genetics). This brings up a very good point. What if we can clone 5 Albert Einsteins?! What if we clone all of the smartest minds to ever exist. Can we cure cancer? I think we can! Maybe we can even stop ebola. Lots of people are seriously thinking about this and how beneficial it would be. But some people can take this out of hand. Some scientists are considering making “human farms” where clones are made and their only purpose is to kill them and take their organs to sell. This is why cloning should not be easily accessible. Some freaky scientists are actually considering this idea. We need to be smarter, we need to be consistent , and we need to keep an eye out for these crazy scientists. And God knows what other crazy idea they have inside their heads. But many people think that cloning can be beneficial to society if it is used
While some believe cloning to be acceptable others feel equally strongly that human cloning is completely wrong. With the state of the science as it is at the moment it would involve hundreds of damaged pregnancies to achieve one single live cloned baby. What is more, all the evidence suggests that clones are unhealthy and often have a number of built-in genetic defects, which lead to premature ageing and death. It would be completely wrong to bring a child into the world knowing that it was extremely likely to be affected by problems like these. The dignity of human life and the genetic uniqueness we all have would be attacked if cloning became commonplace. People might be
As soon as you mention the word cloning, you are most likely to ignite a debate. This is because people are greatly divided on whether it's good or bad. A way to reach a conclusion is to look at cloning from ethical, risk, and religious perspectives. The reality is, cloning is unethical, very risky, and irreligious. The arguments I will make will hopefully convince you that cloning is not good for the future.
If we clone humans the results might come and haunt us in the future. If we start cloning humans our world will become overpopulated and we will have a lack of genetic diversity. When this happens, we will not evolve and we will stay the same(Reasons why cloning is bad). Also, people will not cherish life for what it is and people can do very bad things with the power to clone. Lastly, do we really think it is ethical to play the role of God. Life should be cherished and I don't think that we should be able to create life on a whim in a petri
Cloning is the process of making genetically identical organisms through nonsexual means. Researchers have cloned genes, tissues and even entire organisms. The National Human Genome Research Institute is who mainly does the gene cloning, they have not cloned mammals and they do not clone humans. There has been attempts of cloning a human being, but has it ever been done? Animals have been cloned already,and plants normally clone themselves. There are three types of artificial cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning produces copies of genes and segments of DNA. The reproductive cloning creates clones of a whole animals. Therapeutic cloning makes embryonic stem cells for experiments aimed at producing
One very beneficial thing about cloning is that it can be used for organ replacement which would not only minimize the waiting list for organs, but also there is a smaller risk of rejection from your body. Another is that it can be used to save an endangered species from dying out. Also something that would be incredibly useful is genetic research. If scientists were able to clone people easily and effectively, they would no longer need to use humans and they could solve genetic diseases. One thing that can be very risky with cloning is about 95% of animal cloning has ended in failure due to genetic defect. Clones are a lot more likely to get diseases and other various things like that. Also there would be a lack of uniqueness among clones and violate convictions regarding human individuality and freedom. Clones could be seen as less than human compared with non-clones. Other obvious risks are lack of diversity among clones and faster ageing causing them to die faster than a normal living thing would. Cloning is a process that we have to work on and is very tricky to work with but could be very helpful when done
There are many positive aspects of human and non-human cloning. Human cloning technology could be used to reverse the number one killer in the United States, heart attacks. Scientists believe that they