
The Big Sleep: Movie vs. Novel Essay

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The Big Sleep: Movie vs. Novel

Film and literature are two media forms that are so closely related, that we often forget there is a distinction between them. We often just view the movie as an extension of the book because most movies are based on novels or short stories. Because we are accustomed to this sequence of production, first the novel, then the motion picture, we often find ourselves making value judgments about a movie, based upon our feelings on the novel. It is this overlapping of the creative processes that prevents us from seeing movies as distinct and separate art forms from the novels they are based on.

I enjoyed The Big Sleep by Howard Hawks, but can still recognize and appreciate the …show more content…

The tone in the book was cleverly created by Chandler's fast-paced lines; the flick was equally clever with the new dialogue for added scenes. Bogart might not meet the expectations of your mental image of Marlowe, but no one should be expected to recreate someone else's imagination in a piece of reality. Expecting an artist to do so is ignorant. The Bacall/Bogart connection, and the way the novel was altered to fit them, gave the movie a sense of individuality, and a signature of its own merit. The movie was well made, as the book was well written: both are sufficient to stand and to be appreciated alone.

When making a distinction between movie and novel, it is not acceptable, in my opinion to talk about the differences between the two versions in terms of "better" or "worse." You may like how the artist creates a scene in the movie or how another artist plays with the same scene in the novel, but these are subjective preferences; neither speak to the quality of the work. You cannot critically compare different media, because you do not have a common set of terms with which to comparatively discuss the works.

In his book Novels into Film, George Bluestone supports my opinion:

? The film becomes a different thing in the same sense that a historical painting becomes a different thing from the historical event which it illustrates. It is as

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