
The Book Of Leviticus Singles Out What God Has Done For The Israelites

Decent Essays

The book of Deuteronomy singles out what God has done for the Israelites. It also teaches them what they need to do. Obedience and loving the Lord is a major theme. It was written by Moses as a summary of the last 40 years that the Israelites wandered the desert before he died.
Deuteronomy stresses the theme of obedience. After 38 years of wandering the desert, the people who disobeyed God by not going over to the promised land died. This was the time that God let the new generation cross over in the Promised Land to Canaan. This was the covenant that God made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob many years before.
Deuteronomy 27-30 states, that there are blessing for obedience and curses for disobedience. God will also bless the land for crops, the livestock with great herds and flocks, and wherever they may go, they will be blessed. There will be no worry about rain or how the harvest will grow. Enemies will always fear them and will know that they are covered under the Lord their God. They will be free from any diseases and painful boils.
Just as God will bless everything of the Israelites for obedience, he will also take away all of the blessing He has given. The crops will dry up from no rain, the herds will not produce and they will get many diseases and boils that they were protected against when they were obedient.
It is repeated many times that God is a jealous God. We are to fear the Lord our God. He is always watching over us and when we disobey Him,

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