
The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao Essay

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Diaz conveys how love can be complicated by creating failed relationships for Oscar, Beli, and Lola. Love is a big topic in the novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz. All characters go through their own situations about love and failed love. Love can really change a person; positively or negatively. People may not know when they have someone who is really down for them but ends up destroying their relationship just like some characters in the story.

This is the beginning of a new, yet complicated life for Oscar. It is not going to be as easy as it was for him to get girl’s attention when he was seven years old. He met a girl who was weird just like him. They began to do things together and that’s when Oscar was starting to have feelings the girl named Ana. When they would go out to hang out “they headed out to either a …show more content…

According to Lola, she knew Aldo was not feeling very great about their relationship. There was some of Aldo’s friends over and they were hanging out trying to have a good time while being under the influence. During that time, Aldo said some things may he may have not said if he was not drunk. Aldo said a joke but he was saying it while staring at Lola. Afterwards, Aldo felt bad and tried to fix things with Lola but Lola didn’t want any of it “And then Aldo decided to be cute. I knew he was getting unhappy with us but I didn’t know exactly how bad it was until one night he had his friends over.” (Diaz 64) It was just not that well for Lola. Yunior was on and off with his love for Lola. He cheated on Lola, someone that it seemed like he cared a lot for. Yunior must really feel full of regret when he “heard from my mother that Lola had met someone in Miami, which was where she had moved, that she was pregnant and was getting married.” (Diaz 324) Yunior made the relationship complicated with his mistake that ended up hurting himself more in the long

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