The British Petroleum (BP) Oil Spill occurred in April of 2010 and hurt many people, animals, businesses, and the economy of the many cities it impacted. It is recognized as the “worst oil spill” in the history of the United States, killing eleven people. The spill occurred due to a leak in a pipe that spilled oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The BP Oil well was not capped until 87 days later, by which 3.19 million barrels of oil had already spilled into the the Gulf of Mexico. The BP Oil spill did not only impact humans but sea animals too, including shrimp, lobsters, dolphins, turtles, and more. To clean up the spill, more chemicals were dumped into the ocean to reduce the size of the oil droplets causing the chemicals to also enter the food chain of these sea creatures as well. Over one thousand miles of the Gulf of Mexico shoreline was affected by the British Petroleum oil spill. But while the BP oil spill caused many damages to the Gulf of Mexico, it also brought some benefits, including jobs for immigrants and the national economic financial crisis started to withdraw.
Panama City and Destin being two cities, well known for their beautiful beaches was severely impacted by this oil spill. Small and big businesses lost plenty of business as this spill occurred during the two cities booming season of summer. If the spill had happened in the winter, it wouldn’t have been as big of a harm on the economy as the majority of Destin and Panama City’s tourists come during the
The eventual buildup to the BP oil spill started during the Bush Administration. The Bush Administration's oil demand and antigovernment sensibility soiled the Minerals Management Service (MMS), the agency charged with regulating offshore drilling. Vice President Dick Cheney had presided over the weakening of drilling regulations, including the exclusion of remote-shut-off switches which might have prevented the disaster. Soon, MMS was nothing but a shell of its former shell filled with corruption and political influence. In a 2008 report it was found that the agency's regulators were taking gifts from, and having sex with the employees of, the companies they were supposed to be monitoring. Furthermore, the
On March 24, 1989, an Exxon supertanker spilled 11 million gallons of oil while traveling through the pristine waters of Alaska’s Prince William Sound. The consequences of this spill were detrimental and continue to affect life today. The oil spill killed thousands of wildlife, extensively damaged a portion of the beautiful Alaskan environment, and eventually affected the economy to global proportions. Unfortunately, this tragedy could have been prevented. Lack of adequate safety efforts, enforcement, and regulations all played a major role in this truly catastrophic event.
The biggest industry that was affected because of the 2010 BP oil spill was the seafood industry. The gulf coast is where majority of the U.S seafood comes from, and the oil from the
To date, the majority of oil spill operations are rarely capable of recovering and/or treating more than a small portion of the oil which was spilt.12 Within the Gulf of Mexico it was estimated that nearly 4.9 billion barrels of oil were spilt, and approximately half of the oil spilt was 100% methane which and is still within the Gulf today.12 The oil was able to rise to the ocean surface and extended over an estimated 68,000 square miles—this is approximately the same size as the state of Oklahoma.12 Considering the amount of oil spilt, there has been and continues to be a huge impact on marine life, wildlife and their ecosystems, as well as the fishing and tourism industries.
Overall, this spill has damaged the environment extensively (and according to some estimates, is still doing so) and affected the economy of the region, not to mention the future of BP.
The effect of oil spill is usually calculated in terms of damage on the environment, aftermath on marine species, and effect on the tourism and fishery industries. The impact on human health is less known relatively. The financial costs associated with oil spills are also a factor. Arguably, it is a less serious consequence of an Oil Spill, however the financial costs have the potential to bankrupt an organization. BP suffered major financial loss as a result of the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. They have paid up to $1.5 billion in an effort to settle various claims and compensation. (BP, n.d)
Oil spills have often occurred too many times in this world. Unfortunately, when this does happen, there is always losses of life. Many people are affected by it. There is always a price to pay. On March 24, 1989 the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spilt all its oil into the ocean.
The e Deepwater Horizon oil spill at the Macondo well began on April 20, 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico on the BP-operated Macondo Prospect. An explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig on 20 April 2010 killed 11 people and caused almost 5 million barrels of oil to flow into the Gulf of Mexico. The spill covered 68,000 square miles of land and sea and triggered a response effort involving the use of nearly 2 million gallons of dispersant chemicals (Pallardy). Considered the largest accidental marine oil spill in history, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (DHOS) resulted in widespread environmental and economic damage, the exact nature of which is only beginning to be understood (Shultz 59). This paper will address the causes of this unmitigated ecological disaster and discuss steps that need to be taken to prevent a similar disaster from occurring again.
In the 2010, Deepwater Horizon oil spill has been noted as a disaster with far reaching condition sufficient to impact global economies, marketplaces and policies. The damages from the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster could be as much as $12 billion which was predicted by some experts. This would affect coastline industries such as Louisiana’s oyster and shrimp industry, which generate about $962 million in annual retail sales .Prior to that it also resulted to the loss of tourism revenues and a complete wrap up of activities such as swimming, fishing, recreation and boating due to the cleanup efforts, beach closures due to the fear of the long term effects caused by the spill. The impact for the locals would be more severe for those who live
The BP Oil Spill An Introductory Background - One of the most controversial ecological disasters in recent history focused on multinational British Petroleum and their Gulf of Mexico Operations. The Deepwater Oil Disaster began on April 20, 2010 with an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon Oil platform, killing 11, injuring 17. It was not until July 15th, however, that the leak was stopped by capping the wellhead, after releasing almost 5 million barrels (206 million gallons) of crude oil, or 53,000 barrels per day into the Gulf of Mexico. It was not until September 19th that the relief well process was complete and the U.S. Government, EPA, and Coast Guard agencies declared the well breach effectively stopped (Cavnar, 2010).
In determining the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the economy the study us the spatial catch
The worst environmental disaster America ever faced is the Gulf oil spill which released an approximately of 171 million gallons of oil. Scientists estimate that approximately half of all the oil and nearly 100 percent of the methane gas released from the well stayed within the deep ocean. Estimates of the amount of oil spilling into the Gulf climbed steadily between April and June. The first estimate was 1,000 barrels a day. As of mid-June, that estimate had reached between 35,000 and 60,000 barrels a day. The resulting oil slick covered more than 2,500 square miles, but had largely dissolute by August. It’s estimated that a total of 4.9 million barrels of oil, or 205.8 gallons, leaked from the well of which only 800,000 barrels have been
On April 20, 2010, BP’s oil drilling rig caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Mexico. Throughout the following months, the company attempted to keep everyone from stockholders to environmental activists updated with their cleanup efforts. The mass amounts of oil that spilled into the Gulf took many years to cleanup. Most of BP’s updates came from press releases, along with speaking to reporters about their cleanup efforts. The idea of writing press releases for a company allows the public to stay updated with what is going on, but can backfire in the future if the business does not keep it’s word on what they say they will do in the release of the information to the public.
In terms of依据 MNE corporate philosophy企业理念 and stakeholder strategy BP has been “ranked as被认为 one of the more environmentally responsive环保响应 and socially aware社会意识 companies” Rugman and Collingson (2006, 4th Ed, p635). Explore this ranking in the light of根据,鉴于,依据 recent events in the Gulf of Mexico.
Everyday, we emit harmful gases into the atmosphere and are slowly, but surely, damaging the earth. Being the only known planet with the ability to sustain life, you would think we would take greater care in protecting our home. In my life and career, I want to collaborate with others towards creating more environmentally friendly fuels to power our society; during this time, I want to work towards finding more effective techniques of extracting oil, in comparison to current methods such as fracking. I believe these goals to be very achievable by obtaining a degree in petroleum engineering, then continuing on to graduate school. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and a 2013 study that turned algae into oil in under an hour, are the two dominant reasons I have been drawn to the petroleum field.