The Cabin in the Rockies It was a cold, dark October evening as a hunting junky named Frank sets out on his journey to his cabin in the great Rocky Mountains. He is wanting to bag a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep to bring home along with bragging rights. As Frank is walking down the trail to get the his cabin he doesn't notice anything out of the usual. He can't help but think of how beautiful and peaceful it is out in the wilderness: the changing leaves, the faint smell of a distant fire as it warms up a quaint little house, and the crunch of dead twigs under his feet. After his long journey he sees his cabin up ahead in a grove of trees. Frank finally gets to his front door, unlocks it, and walks in. His home away from home he thought as …show more content…
Frank got quit cozy after dinner and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He got up early the next morning because he knew he would have to get an early start to take down his game. Frank starts out on his trail having a good feeling he is gonna find his prey, but can't shake the feeling that he isn't the only one. As he continues down the trail he keeps seeing signs of his sheep: droppings here, droppings there and maybe a hoof print or two. He sees a ledge down the trail a bit and knows it opens up into a valley on account of his numerous visits before. So he decides to reward his long day of hiking he needs to stop on the edge of the valley and have his lunch. So Frank gets there and unpacks his lunch and decides to watch and see if his sheep flock decides to pay him a visit, but the only thing Frank sees is not what he is expecting at all. Out of the tree line on the far side of the valley is a short, middle aged man. Not holding a single firearm, which is odd for being in the mountains. Frank continues to watch this strange man for a bit before deciding to pack up his lunch and go talk to this …show more content…
As the days progress they get closer and closer as friends until one day maybe to close. Frank owns the only gun in the cabin and Garry decides, never having shot it before, he was gonna take it for a test spin. To Frank the gun was his baby, pride and joy, and only line of defense. So Garry touching his gun without asking is crossing all lines in franks eyes. After over a week of looking for this flock of sheep and not having any success Frank is fed up and wants to leave to go home. Garry obviously didn't think it would be that big of a deal and doesn't want Frank to leave. Frank has had enough of Garry's free loading and him not being able to find his sheep. So Frank packs up his stuff to leave the cabin and is about to walk out the door while Garry is refusing for him to leave. Garry has no other choice but to use his secret powers to stop Frank. Garry extends his arms that turn into branches to block the door of the cabin to entrap Frank in the inside. Frank is screaming and trying to brake the branches to get out but he is to weak. He sees a window and makes a run for it to brake free. He jumps threw the window shattering the glass escaping the shape shifting tree he called his friend. He runs down the path as the forest he always called home turned into a haunted nightmare. Trees coming alive and there eyes turning a bright fire orange color of
***=Work on You wake up to go get coffee and you see a murder scene with your two best friends dead. In the book “The Cabin” by Natasha Peterson, seven friends go to one of their parents’ cabin, in the middle of nowhere. After their first night there they wake up to two of their friends dead. With no signs of forced entry, suspicion turns to Blake, Mckenzie, Aaron, Megan and Kyle the five survivors.
Ulrich turns to Georg with great silence. Georg seemed to be in fear and struggling to get free, yet Ulrich has a plain face, staring at his rifle. Georg then yells, “What are we going to do!” Ulrich keeps his silence as he begins to reach for the rifle, Georg beginning to panic. The wolves creep closer to the men, Ulrich glancing at them for a few seconds then back at his rifle. Ulrich then lays a finger on the stock of the rifle and slowly pulls it closer, Georg calling out to Ulrich in great panic. “ Why are you so quiet!” Georg yelled. “Planning” replied Ulrich. Ulrich finally grasps onto the handle of the rifle and pulls the receiver back, taking a quick glance at the bullet inside then closes it. The men can then hear the growls of the wolves, then Georg is filled with fear and goes silent. Ulrich takes his aim at
It was a short drive to the hotel, and the scenery was pretty cool, but I was really waiting for arrival time. I couldn't wait to see the hotel, and I had no clue what to expect. I eyes drifted out the window at all the tall trees on the hilly landscape. The trees filled the hill, and there was on sight of the forest floor. Birds of all sizes flew in and out of the forest, keeping a person looking at them and their home forever. But then the landscape began to change.
In the short story The Most Dangerous Game, the tell of a man named Rainsford is set with a very difficult choice. Rainsford is first cast off his yacht. After getting onto the railing to look for where gunshots had come from, and reaching from his falling pipe and losing grip of the pole. When Rainsford then swims towards shore to find blood where a animal ,he thought, had struggled. Rsinsford sees the gothic building on the hill and makes his way to it. When Rainsford reach es the house he knocks the door in which then Ivan opens it. Ivan is holding a gun and won 't let Rainsofrd inside. General Zaroff comes and apologized for Ivan that he dumb. General Zaroff is gives Rainsford food and clothing. During dinner he tells Rainsford that he is a hunter as well. Zaroff then tells Rainford how he hade hunted everything and that hunting was his life but it had started to bore him. So Zaroff had made a new animal to hunt. Explaining to Rainsford that it was human. How the it work that he trained them and feed them and then give them hunting clothes and a hunting knife alog witha three hour start. The General explained that he gave the three days and that if the adovided for that long that they would win the game. Rainsford says how that is cold blooded murder. Zaroff then says that he would like Rainsford to hunt with him. When Rainsford refuses he says taht then they would go agaist each other. Rainsford refuses, so Zaroff tells him his only other
The term “wilderness” provokes the assumption of a nonhuman place; a remote area closed off from the sophistication of society that lacks human life. Depending on its location, wilderness can either be visualized as a dark, cold, and isolated place, or a sanctuary home to diverse wildlife. However, it is generally understood to be a landfill populated by dead trees and muddy waters to which no human wants to explore. It is a place of complete naturalness; untouched and unscathed by civilization. But three authors target these assumptions by proposing possible solutions to the protection or stewardship of wilderness. William Cronon author of “The Trouble with Wilderness; or, Getting back to the Wrong Nature” explains that wilderness is not a pristine sanctuary where the last remnant of an untouched and endangered nature lies, rather, it is contaminated by civilization and
1. Joss Whedon says that ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ is “your basic horror movie taken apart; five kids go to a cabin in the woods to have a fun weekend of partying and possibly sex… and are therefore dismembered”. Whedon and Goddard have in essence tried to create a movie with roots tied to the horror genre; it is simply your common slasher movie where the characters are killed off one by one till there is either one person left or none for that matter. ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ also has ties to other genres such as comedy, this can be seen in scenes such as where they are all sitting around in the main room, playing truth or dare, and Jules is dared to kiss the wolfs head on the wall, also in the scene where Marty
After a supper of fried fish, grits, and biscuits, the children’s bellies were full and their imaginations were running wild- they hadn’t completely forgotten living on the trail- The same as when they were younger, they wanted Charity to tell them a story before they went to sleep. She smiled at their eagerness, remembering all the stories she had told them at night while they were on the trail from Sandersville to Canton. It seemed that once they were settled in a house and not camping under the stars, the need for her bedtime stories were no longer necessary. Living on the trail seemed to bring her children much closer to her; she missed living that way…
I made my way to my aunt’s house. Her home smelled of fresh cut pine, and she offered me a cup of coffee with a cinnamon stick in it. I accepted, and we went to the kitchen table and discussed our week. As she talked, I looked out her kitchen table. A small oak grew in the front yard. Snow capped the birdfeeder beside her bird bath.
To belong to a group means to be a part of the group. However, to fit in a group means to be accepted by the people in the group. People join a specific group because of who they are. They join a group that has similar ideals, beliefs and characteristics to their own. The group then somewhat defines them and they usually end up doing things similar to the group.
Understanding one’s community and their relative place in that community is a daunting task in itself, but it becomes even more difficult when one does not neatly exist in one single community. This is the case for Martiniano, who does not quite fit into either his Native American or white community, resulting in confusion and strife. When trying to navigate his own mistakes and shortcomings, Martiniano also must try and understand the notion that neither community truly feels like his home. In “The Man Who Killed the Deer,” by Frank Waters, the divide that Martiniano feels as a result of his actions highlights the conflict between individuality and community in the Native American society.
The book first introduces the reader to Mr. Haley and Mr. Shelby who are discussing a sale of slaves. Mr. Haley requests a young boy as well as a man named Tom in exchange for his silence on the information he has over Mr. Shelby. Eliza, who is the mother of the young boy, decides to flee in the middle of the night with her son in the hope that she can make it to Canada and find her husband who is also fleeing toward Canada. The book often switches between Eliza's journey to Canada and Tom's life after Mr. Haley sells him to a new master. I thought the book was a little hard to follow at first, but the more I read it, the easier it became to comprehend. It was also a little slow in the beginning,
One day a dog ran in a dump and found a dead raccoon. He ran back home, hid it in his bed. Three days pass and the whole house smells like dead animals. Jeff let the dog out to go to the bathroom. The dog ran down the road and found that dump. He found a cat. He ran it down the interstate. They were jumping on the hoods of the cars. The dog finely gave up and went
contemporary religion. The (main) reason for (1) turns out to be (as we shall see) the
When Willy and Linda purchased their home in Brooklyn, it seemed far removed form the city. Willy was young and strong and he believed he had a future full of success. He and his sons cut the tree limbs that threatened his home and put up a hammock that he would enjoy with his children. The green fields
It was about 13 degrees out and the sun had just started to peek over the mountains behind our house. It was a magnificent morning. It was one of those crisp, cold mornings with no wind and I could hear for miles and miles. I remember hearing my neighbor’s dog, Orvis, barking two miles away. I kept walking for about a quarter mile until I came upon a field that was always a hot spot for deer in the morning. It was an exciting feeling to be out in the woods with the deer, yet at the same time, a terrifying feeling. Was I going to fail yet another year of not bagging my buck? I was anxious as to what my family and friends would think of me. I needed to get a deer in the worst way.