
The California City In The City Of Sacramento, California

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Sacramento, California is often not the first place that comes to mind when someone thinks of moving to the city, or even when coming up with vacation spots. However, there are countless reasons why Sacramento is wonderful. Sacramento is California’s capital, located in the northern half of the state, right in between San Francisco and South Lake Tahoe. Nicknamed “City of Trees”, Sacramento is lush with greenery that lines its streets and especially along the banks of the Sacramento River. The city is surrounded with miles of farmland which provides not only a gorgeous skyline, but also gives fresh produce to its hundreds of restaurants. Between Midtown and Downtown, or “Old Sacramento”, there is also plenty to see and do for the night owls. Not only is Sacramento thriving in present day, but the city is rich with culture and history. Being the hot spot for gold mining and settling in the mid-1800’s, the city has many unique and preserved features that remind its residents and visitors just how important Sacramento was in American history (Sacramento). Sacramento is all the things listed above, but more importantly, it is a home for nearly two million people in the area. Many of them fortunate to have a home of their own, whether in the heart of the city or just outside of it. Of these two million are about 3,500 people that do not have a home of their own (Chabria). These individuals have spent, on average, a year or more living on the streets of Sacramento gathering, at

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