In the South, there were 1.2 million military-aged slaves that could not be used for fighting in the unprepared protracted war. About 75 percent of Southern males fought the war, as compared to about half of Northern men. There was great wealth in the South, but it was primarily tied up in the slave economy. Eighty percent of the labor force worked on the farm because of its fertile soil and warm climate which made it easy to produce crops such as cotton. Being that said, agriculture production was very profitable, they didn't see the need for industrial development. Although two-thirds of Southerners owned no slaves at all there were almost as many blacks (slaves and free) in the South as there were whites. The Confederate leaders were confident
Two sides of a country fighting for full control war ends now its just reconstruction but who stops it. The North was a free side but the south wasn't. They both ended into going into war with each other the north side stayed an won. So then there needed to be reconstruction in the south. It started fine but then it all stopped why. Who killed the rebuilding of the U.S colonies? The side who killed the reconstruction of the U.S was the South due evidence of cruelty because of a lost wasr and the issue of the freed slaves, not saying the North had little to do with it but the South was the main reason for stopping reconstruction.
The economy in the South was based on plantations, mostly bales of cotton that were managed by slaves (Doc. B). Their economy was so great that, in 1857, out of the $279,000,000 the U.S. produced of domestic products, the South produced $158,000,000 out of articles like cotton and rice, which could not be made in the North; perhaps this is what lead them to believe they were so powerful. (Doc. D). However, they also felt they depended too much on the North for articles of utility and adornment, as well as rail-roads, canals, and other public improvements (Doc. C). The North, on the contrary, worked primarily on industries and factories. (Doc. B). The conflict between the two came when the South wanted to leave the Constitution and become its own country (Doc. E), which meant that the U.S. would lose a huge amount of its economy, although this was not the main reason why the North did not like the idea of the South leaving the U.S. The North and the South had distinguishably different economies, with the South’s being rural and the North’s industrial, so any changes in tariffs mostly benefited the North rather than the South, which is what mostly upset the
For four years, Americans fought against one another on the battlefield. This war would come to make up the bloodiest war in American history. Over the four years, over 620,000 soldiers died in the conflict. This war became one the most traumatic event in American History. Since the beginning of colonization to the 1860’s, the people in this country were slowly being divided. From 1850 to 1861, it was apparent that the union was separating into the North and the South and battle was soon to follow. With this division, peace could not continue amongst the country, for the country was filled with problems that affected the common Americans. With the events that led up to the war, the South felt like they had every reason to secede from the
Compared to the north that made around 15-million dollars off of industry, the south made around only one-eighth of that amount, obviously not enough. This was largely due to the fact that of their population of nine-million, only twenty-percent worked in industry. The South was not developing as rapidly as the north and therefore did not have many factories and insufficient transportation systems. While slaves were rarely used for industry in the south, slaves were however assigned to do the more intense work in the
The institution of slavery swiftly divided the Americans eventually causing the Civil War. Since the founding of the colonies, the southern colonies drastically differed from its New England neighbors. For example, South Carolina divided because the southern region exploited slavery for the production of cash crops, such as tobacco and sugar while the northern region held different political beliefs and specialized in lumber for ship making. Eventually, this division led to the creation of two new states—North and South Carolina. Similarly, slavery worsened this divide among Americans eventually causing the creation of two new nations—The Union and the Confederacy. Both sides held opposing beliefs and because neither would succumb, the method
It started as a fight for slavery, but became a fight for states’ rights. In 1860, the South began to secede from the Union. They were jealous of the North. They saw that the North was prospering more than them and they were given more attention. Not only that, but they thought that the North was not giving back the ex-slaves. With these major problems, they had reached their limit and broke off. At the same time, Abraham Lincoln won the Election of 1860 and was getting ready to take charge. Although he believed afterwards that he had no authority on deciding if slavery should exist or not, he eventually wrote the Emancipation Proclamation suggested freeing the slaves. The South was not happy about this. Not only did they lose their slaves,
During the early nineteenth century the United States began to split, but at the middle of the century people views started to become more concrete and so separation in the Union became more drastic. From 1850 to 1861 it was apparent that the union was separating into the North and the South. The Constitution played a major role in the separation that was occurring. Through sectional favoritism of bits and pieces of the Constitution and through ideas that were left out of it, the Constitution led to sectional discord and nearly the failure of the union.
Now not all blacks were slaves there were free blacks in the south roughly a quarter million who had bought their freedom and moved on to own their own land and slaves. The south was known for their large tobacco and cotton fields, which required daily excruciating backbreaking labor. Slave hands were what made this possible to complete and continue for too long. Not all slaves were out working the plantation or fields, there were also slaves doing everything from carpentry and masonry work to raising children and not necessarily their own children. This was a way of life in the south and without that amount of work; being completed that the slaves were responsible for, the ability to sustain life would be imaginable. As the civil war erupted all war worthy confederate males left their home to defend the southern states against the Union Army. At this time the minimal amount of personnel were left at home to support the family and continue to work the land while maintaining a positive outlook and forward progress. Times were rough for the south if the land was not worked then the crops could not be sold and the family had no income or means to sustain life. Not only did they not make a living, the crops were supporting the confederate troops fighting the war. Soldiers of the confederate army were struggling to sustain the fight, the food was scarce,
The Civil War was the war that divided the young American nation into two opposing sides. One side being the North, also called the Union, and the second side being the South, also called the Confederacy. The root cause of why the South seceded from the Union has been debated and argued since the beginning of the war in 1861. Most people argue that the argument, between the North and the South, over slavery was the main reason why the South left the Union. However, the issue has to be more complex than just the issue with slavery. The root cause of the of the South secession from the Union was a combination of the South’s aggravation and fear over their dependence on the North for their economic prosperity and their dependence on slavery for a highly profitable economy.
The American Civil War, which began in 1861 to 1865, has gone down in history as the one of the most significant events to have ever occurred in the United States of America, thus far. At that time, questions had arose wondering how the United States ever got so close to hitting rock bottom, especially being that it was a conflict within the country itself. Hostility steadily grew through the years dividing the nation further and further, and finally leading to the twelfth day in April 1861 in Fort Sumter, North Carolina. The American Civil War was an irrepressible battle and aside from the obvious physical effects of the war, the disagreement over states rights, the act of slavery, and the raising of tariffs played crucial roles in the
Generally, it is thought to be the South’s fault for causing the Civil War. Contrary to popular belief, the Civil War was mainly provoked by the North; through using the federal government to overtake the South, removing slavery which would destroy Southern economy, and creating the moral issue of slavery. The North was the primary reason for the start of a war that ripped our country apart.
Sectionalism was ultimately the main cause of the civil war. Sectionalism is occurs when an individual identifies with a geographic section of the United States based on their culture, social, economical, and political interests of that section. Sectionalism eventually caused the division of the nation, and created parts of the nation, which were the Union and the Confederation. As the tensions progressed, the government strived to unite the divided nation by establishing different legislation to satisfy each section; however, multiple historical events, such as the Election of Abraham Lincoln, the passing of the Kansas Nebraska Act, etc, interrupted the balancing act within the divided nation. The tensions between these sections eventually built up and caused the Civil War to occur. The Civil War was caused by the various economical differences within the nation, the conflict between the legality of slavery, and the political disputes in Congress over issues during that time.
The causes of the Civil War were complex and have been controversial since the country began. Some causes include; states’ rights, economics, and slavery. The most recognizable and popular cause is slavery. The freeing of the slaves was an important moral issue at the time and one of the greatest causes of the civil war. "It was only by carefully avoiding the moral issue involved in slavery that Northerners and Southerners could meet on any common ground." (Goldston, 79). The time came in which our great country would finally address the moral issue of slavery. Although there are many different causes to the American Civil War, the main cause was slavery because other causes are rooted in the issue of slavery.
The South heavily relied on slavery to keep their economy stable, although not their only source of money, but by abolishing slavery and making it illegal it would damage their economy quite badly. And so this caused a lot of tension between the North and South because they were very different economically. The South is much more agricultural, and is reliant upon exports as well. The North on the other hand is in complete contrast to the South. The North industrialised very fast and many people of poor background and some African-American succeeded and made a lot of money. It isn't very clear that if they had lived in the South if they could have achieved this much success, but those in the North faced a lot less discrimination compared to the South. "Because the economics of the dynamic industrializing North and the static agrarian South were incompatible, the two societies were on a collision course that led inexorably to war" ( Many historians agree that this was not a major cause. According to economic historian Lee A. Craig, "In fact, numerous studies by economic historians over the past several decades reveal that economic conflict was not an inherent condition of North-South
Slavery, as Abraham Lincoln often noted, was the root cause of the Civil War. Tensions over slavery dated back to the contradictory nature of the American Revolution of 1776 that resulted in a republic simultaneously committed to freedom for whites and bondage for blacks (Barney W., p. 61). Within years North and South reached the point at which compromise was not possible. At that time Civil War had been started.