
The Causes And Effects Of Sustainability?

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Title: Sustainability Names: Yasmin Raed Said U14121695 Shaikha Al-Ali U14122183 Ahad Abothabet U15100929

University of Sharjah

Table of Contents
Causes and Effects…………………………………………………………..………………….5 Cost………………………………………………………………………..……………5 Energy Efficiency……………………………………………..………………………..5 Water Efficiency………………………………………………..………………………5 Material Efficiency………………………………………………..……………………6
Sustainable Methods……………………………………………………….….………………..6 The usage of sustainable materials for construction instead of the normal construction materials.………………………………………………………………..……………...………6 …show more content…

It’s a type of construction method architects use in their design where they follow a set of rules and regulations established by LEED, leadership in energy and environmental design, to establish high-performance and sustainable commercial and residential buildings. The purpose behind it is to create residential, commercial buildings (or any type of building) in the healthiest and energy-efficient way. That could be accomplished through the choice of materials and the way their transported to the site. Materials are the most important factor in green building. Choosing the right material would determine the energy efficiency of the building, because to achieve sustainability we need to combine both, materials, and the process of construction so we could maximize its efficiency, durability, and savings. Getting everything correct and right from the beginning could save the customer time, money and it would increase the lifetime of the building. The focus of this report will be mainly on how to achieve sustainability in a building from the designing phase, …show more content…

For example, using recycled steel instead of new steel to reduce energy of producing new steel. Standard buildings usually use new materials and constructed in a non-sustainable way. When these materials are made in the factories they produce CO2 emission which damage the environment. Materials that are not found locally should be shipped overseas and will impact air quality. Sustainable Methods There are many methods to approach to make buildings, such as the university of Sharjah which is already standing or other buildings that are under construction, more sustainable and therefore more environmentally friendly, such as: Exchanging facilities that use regular generators with ones that use renewable energy: using renewable energy facilities reduces the cost of operation since what is used to fuel them is always available and extracted from nature. Renewable energy also helps designers and engineers to lower the level of carbon dioxide or other chemical gases since this source of energy absorbs and doesn't produce it. One way to use renewable energy is using solar panels. Solar panel energy is considered as one of the most clean and efficient source of energy to ever be

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