Title: Sustainability Names: Yasmin Raed Said U14121695 Shaikha Al-Ali U14122183 Ahad Abothabet U15100929
University of Sharjah
Table of Contents
Causes and Effects…………………………………………………………..………………….5 Cost………………………………………………………………………..……………5 Energy Efficiency……………………………………………..………………………..5 Water Efficiency………………………………………………..………………………5 Material Efficiency………………………………………………..……………………6
Sustainable Methods……………………………………………………….….………………..6 The usage of sustainable materials for construction instead of the normal construction materials.………………………………………………………………..……………...………6
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It’s a type of construction method architects use in their design where they follow a set of rules and regulations established by LEED, leadership in energy and environmental design, to establish high-performance and sustainable commercial and residential buildings. The purpose behind it is to create residential, commercial buildings (or any type of building) in the healthiest and energy-efficient way. That could be accomplished through the choice of materials and the way their transported to the site. Materials are the most important factor in green building. Choosing the right material would determine the energy efficiency of the building, because to achieve sustainability we need to combine both, materials, and the process of construction so we could maximize its efficiency, durability, and savings. Getting everything correct and right from the beginning could save the customer time, money and it would increase the lifetime of the building. The focus of this report will be mainly on how to achieve sustainability in a building from the designing phase, …show more content…
For example, using recycled steel instead of new steel to reduce energy of producing new steel. Standard buildings usually use new materials and constructed in a non-sustainable way. When these materials are made in the factories they produce CO2 emission which damage the environment. Materials that are not found locally should be shipped overseas and will impact air quality. Sustainable Methods There are many methods to approach to make buildings, such as the university of Sharjah which is already standing or other buildings that are under construction, more sustainable and therefore more environmentally friendly, such as: Exchanging facilities that use regular generators with ones that use renewable energy: using renewable energy facilities reduces the cost of operation since what is used to fuel them is always available and extracted from nature. Renewable energy also helps designers and engineers to lower the level of carbon dioxide or other chemical gases since this source of energy absorbs and doesn't produce it. One way to use renewable energy is using solar panels. Solar panel energy is considered as one of the most clean and efficient source of energy to ever be
Being environmentally friendly isn’t merely a trend. After thousands of years of using the earth’s resources, we have finally come to realize that we are destroying this beautiful gift we were honored with. Architects play an influential role in trying to preserve this gift by encouraging a multitude of strategies that can be more cost efficient in the long run, be more comfortable for its users, and most importantly, have a lower carbon footprint. Strategies can include drastic changes to heat and air systems, construction material selections, or even specific design details to the architecture of a building that would reduce the amount of energy it consumes.
This manifesto proposes an approach to sustainable design that I am interested in exploring during my time studying architecture. The idea of sustainability is a complex one, not without apparent contradictions. This makes it difficult to define in a wholly satisfactory manner. For the purposes of this manifesto I will advert to the definition proposed by Jason McLennan who asserts that sustainable design: “seeks to maximize the quality of the built environment, while minimizing or eliminating negative impact to the natural environment.” I find this definition particularly useful in the emphasis which it places on quality. By quality, in this
Producing guidelines, standards and codes such as Building Code of Australia, Green Star ratings and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) ratings for new building and refurbishment projects is a good method to encourage, identify and implement sustainability in construction. In the past, sustainable construction meant traditional approaches to construction was more complex and extensive and less profits in projects to adopt sustainability products and processes. Sustainable construction however should be seen although complex, incorporates aspects of economic efficiency, environmental performance and social responsibility with the aim to meet the needs of today without compromising future’s needs (Lafarge Holcim Foundation
It is unfortunate that racism and sexism continues to exist in today’s generation. I really do not understand the differences between skin color or gender. I am not sure if the misunderstanding is because I grew up in a diverse community or my eyes and heart are blind. I am proud that I have raised my son to also have eyes and heart that are blind to color and gender. As a single parent I have had to change my tire and oil and with that same perspective, I will have my son wash his own clothes. I have shared with my son, if a woman can do the job, so can a man and vice-versa. In the video, A Class Divided, Jane Elliott, the third grade teacher shared a new perspective that was creative and perceptible and ethical. We are all humans with the same color of blood
Green Buildings can help the earth in so many ways. Being certified means that you build more environmentally friendly, which means that building green friendly can reduce the negative effect buildings and operations have on the environment. Also green building greatly decreases the chances of fire, explosions, spills or splashes. Building green also reduces health problems such as allergies.
With the recent increase of diverse characters being depicted in media, people are becoming more tolerant towards other cultures and ethnicities. One such character is Black Panther. In most popular sources of media, people of color are not given the role of the main character; rather, they are supporting characters who are often overshadowed by the typical white protagonist. The scarcity of people of color in media has resulted in many children of color not having a role model to revere who shares their same culture and experiences regarding their race. Black Panther is the first black superhero in mainstream American comics (Johnson). Created on July 1966 during the Civil Rights Movement, Black Panther has always been a progressive character in the superhero genre. The time at which Black Panther was created contributes greatly to the attributes he depicts in the comics and movies. Black Panther’s persistence in completing his task reflects the tenacity shown by protesters during the Civil Rights Movement. In many instances, the struggles which Black Panther undergoes is similar to the hardships that African Americans faced during the civil rights movements. Black Panther teaches children about the injustices that they may face in a medium that is appropriate for younger generations. The Black Panther franchise also shows children of color that their race should not limit them from achieving success. The use of racial themes throughout the Black Panther comics and
Some are born into the sweet delight of life filled with hope and happiness, while others are destined to live a prolonged night, consumed with agony and despair.[Hook] Gothic Literature is largely influenced by the life the author utilizing the genre has lived. Edgar Allan Poe had one of the most profound impacts on Gothic literature, one that many would replicate. Poe was born to a father he never knew, and a mother who died when he was three years of age. He never had children and was only married once, which results in the death of his wife, Virginia Clemm, from tuberculosis. On the other hand, Ray Bradbury, who was born into a loving family and had a blissful childhood. Later in his life, he had four healthy daughters with a wife, Marguerite "Maggie" McClure. He also came to know success and fame in his career as an author after constructing the novels The Martian Chronicles(1950) and Fahrenheit 451(1953). It is evident that both of these writers lived different lives decades apart. Bradbury], whose was filled with prosperity and joy, along with Poe, whose life was consumed with darkness, agony, and despair. One common thread that ties these writers together is the use of Gothic writing. Although this is true, many wonder how Bradbury harnesses the capability to use such elements, to create a vivid environment where darkness prevails.[Discussion] The Gothic genre is incorporated in Ray Bradbury’s work, mostly deriving from Edgar Allan Poe’s dark and haunted mind, due to the significant difference in the quality of their lives.[Thesis] First, it is important to dive into Edgar Allan Poe’s past, and explore the circle of death and pain that surrounded him, which influences his writing a tremendous amount. Next, to comprehend the use of Gothic elements in Bradbury’s literature it is critical to analyze the quality of his life, which exposes the influences of Poe. Finally, the works of Poe are evident in Bradbury’s literature through clear examples of the horrific Gothic settings and actions.[Essay Map]
The indefinite growth of the human population, has monumental impacts on the natural environment, not only in the UK, but around the globe. Architecturally, the entire process of designing and constructing a building, both domestic and not, can lead to the rapid exhaustion of natural resources across the planet. Building with environmental design strategies in mind not only combats the impact we as humans have on the natural environment, but also has considerable economic benefits, due to lower running costs of buildings and advanced occupant productivity. There are also many social benefits, such as improved air quality which resultantly leads too enhanced health of a buildings occupants.
This manifesto proposes an approach to sustainable design that I am interested in exploring during my time studying architecture. The idea of sustainability is a complex one, not without apparent contradictions. This makes it difficult to define in a wholly satisfactory manner. For the purposes of this manifesto I will advert to the definition proposed by Jason McLennan who asserts that sustainable design: “seeks to maximize the quality of the built environment, while minimizing or eliminating negative impact to the natural environment.” I find this definition particularly useful in the emphasis which it places on quality. By quality, in this
This report provides an analysis, critique and comparison of the sustainability of two large contemporary commercial buildings: the European Investment Bank headquarters and the new Wembley Stadium. Fundamental methods of analysis include their design, construction, and lifetime costs, where each heading is explored in greater depth.
The issues to resolve and is shaping residential buildings, which is affected by many factors related to climatic, socio-demographic, urban and other objective and subjective.
In this part, government attitude and policies are focused on, as well as advanced technologies are considered. Finally, this paper also turn to highlight the relevant field in China and what availability would suit for China, especially focus on what recommendations be suggested to local authorities in order to guide the whole society to aware the importance of green building and accelerate the development of this industry.
The concept of this project is to make a sustainable development by using acceptable and standard resources that will ensure the viability of the next generations. Through this, application, environmental conservation will be given importance. More and more buildings have risen but the effect of this is practically becomes a
The benefits of green building can be divided into environmental benefits, economic benefits and health and community benefits. The environmental benefits could improve and protect ecosystems and biodiversity. Better design and building practices can help in addressing environmental challenges such
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): "green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment" through measures such as reducing waste (using recycled or renewable resources in construction) and reducing the use of nonrenewable resources when the buildings are operational (such as through installing solar panels or landscaping with plants that require minimal water use) (Definition of a green building, 2012, EPA). Green building first became popular in the 1970s in the US, because of the rapid