
The Causes And Impacts Of Police Technology

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Over the years police technology has improved more effectively and efficiently in many ways. In routine patrol organizations have worked hard in order to better police equipment and communication. “For example, suspects' e-mail or mobile phone files might contain critical evidence regarding their intent, their whereabouts at the time of a crime and their relationship with other suspects. In 2005, for example, a floppy disk led investigators to the BTK serial killer who had eluded police capture since 1974 and claimed the lives of at least 10 victims” (NIJ). A CAD system is a computer that law enforcement use that is located within a police squad car. This computer allows an officer to view an on screen map that they can use to get to and from locations in shorter times and distances. “Computerized crime maps became more commonplace with the introduction of desktop computing and software programs called Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Analysts map where crime occurs, combine the resulting visual display with other geographic data (such as location of schools, parks and industrial complexes), analyze and investigate the causes of crime, and develop responses. Recent advances in statistical analysis make it possible to add more geographic and social dimensions to the analysis” (NIJ). This improved a person’s response times as well as a person’s safety while responding to a call. This also helps officers respond to calls by simply looking at the screen that dispatch has

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