
The Causes Of 9 / 11

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The terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 is certainly one of the most memorable tragedies that people will probably never forget. The events that took place on that fateful day showed the country just how susceptible we were to a terrorist attack, and since then security has been a lot stricter, with good reason. This particular disaster required a great deal of response and resources, and the road to recovery was not going to be an easy one. An estimated 2,152 people died that day, not including the 479 rescue workers who worked tirelessly to fight the subsequent fires and help evacuate those inside the towers when the planes hit (Hardy, Roper, & Kennedy, 2009). The day started out just like any other day for those working in the twin towers, fire fighters, and the police officers who responded when the planes hit. No one ever thought something like that would happen that day. September 11, 2001 was primary election day, a day full of potential for many to redefine and transform their political careers, which quickly turned into chaos and tragedy by 9:00am. New York City mayor, Rudolph Giuliani, was alerted during breakfast of the plane hitting the north tower. On his way towards City Hall, his phone rang and he was told of the plane hitting the second tower, which he instead headed directly to the scene. The Direct of New York City’s Office of Emergency Management, Richard Sheirer, was also on his way to the scene, with his main priority being to secure

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