
The Causes Of Domestic Violence : When Dreams May Come

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When people per the words domestic violence they perceive the victim being violently physically assaulted; while physical abuse is very real, physical assault is only one type of domestic abuse. Other types are emotional, psychological, financial, and sexual assault. Being subjected to these traumas, in turn, creates a breeding ground for feelings of personal helplessness and self-doubt. Yet, domestic abuse goes unreported most of the time.
Domestic violence is so under-reported, because victims tend to believe things will change, and their relationship will get better. I personally identify this false sense of reality “chasing the dragon”. The movie “When Dreams May Come,” depicts this extremely well. It is about a man who dies and goes to heaven but descends into Hell to try and rescue his wife from her own hell. That is exactly what domestic abuse situations feel like, the victim in a constant self-battle with trying to save the abuser from their own pain we don’t focus on the pain they are instilling into us; tragic whirlwind.
It is important to know; domestic violence often always escalates. What may begin as minor acts of intimidation, threats of violence, or aggressive promiscuous advances, usually turns into rape, physical assault, and at an extreme, even murder. Domestic Violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence (The NO MORE Project, 2017).

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