
The Causes Of The American Revolution?

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The Colonies in North America were originally owned by England. However, the British imposed awful taxes, and passed, not only unfair but un-moral, acts that went against what the Colonies stood for, to show that they had more power and to make more money off of the colonies. The whole government of England was corrupted, and took basic freedoms away from the colonist that they should’ve been granted from the start, but they were all stripped away by parliament. Therefore, the Colonies rebelled making their own country, so they could gain their own profits and have a country running efficiently in the end, without the tyranny of the king.
The American Revolution was backed by numerous acts, taxes, proclamations, protest of civil disobedience, and even a massacre. It was by no means unnecessary or undeserved in the eyes of the colonists, and was completely uncalled for in the eyes of the British government, king, and citizens. There were a multitude of unusual acts passed that were unfair and cruel to the people in the colonies. For example, the Navigation Acts, the Staple Act, the Molasses Act, Sugar Act, the and the Townshend Acts to name a few of the absurd acts that were placed on the colonists as a form to show who has power. The Stamp Act was imposed upon all paper products including documents, wills, newspapers and even playing cards. A stamp was placed on the item after the tax had been paid off. This tax was not only tedious but placed at an exceedingly high price.

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