In the modern day Turkey, wide road of Marble slopes down to Celsus Ephesus Library, one of the ancient world libraries. In Ephesus, the library is one of the most beautiful structures. Construction of the building took place between 117AD and 135AD (Laale, 76). Vitruoya, a Roman architect designed the structure. The library was to memorize Celsus Polemeanus, a Roman senator, province of Asia General Governor. It was Julius Aquila-Celsus’ son initiative. Specifically Celsus loved books. The design of the library takes the form of Roman architecture (Francis, Jarzombek, & Prakash, 65). Celsus grave was under the ground floor inside a tomb of marble and in a lead container. The grave was across the entrance and over it was the Athena statue. This is because Athena was wisdom goddess. A significant element about the building is the storage of manuscript scrolls. They manuscripts scrolls were put in cupboards in the walls niches. Behind bookcase were double walls to prevent the scrolls from extreme humidity and temperature. The library had a capacity of over 12000 scrolls (Foss, 78). The other main reason for the library was as a monument for Celsus.
According to Foss, (119) Celsus library was the third wealthiest library in the ancient period after Pergamum and Alexandra. The structure was made of perfect marble and bedecked with figures of Nike, garlands in relief, Eros and rosettes (Laale, 98). The building shows the attributes of Emperor Hadrian age. The library façade
Founded in 1959, The El Paso Museum of Art has been a pillar of the community (reword). The museum mission is to preserve, interpret, and exhibit artwork that strengthens the Museum’s permanent collection. The museum also offers programs and training devoted to education the public in regards to the regions cultural diversity. The El Museum of Art also displays films, lectures, and concerts to the general public. The museum permanent collection includes more than 5,000 works of art. The museum is funded under the jurisdiction of the City of El Paso. More than 80,000 visitors a year travel to view the El Paso Museum of Art.
This fantabulous book by Terry Brooks is the second rarity in the shannara series. Once again the evil has risen and Allanon the last of the druids must take help of the next descendant of the elven king Jerle shannara. The Ellcrys, the sacred tree of long lost elven magic has started to die and the wall of forbidding that keeps the demons at bay has started to crumble. Their only hope is a quest for one of the chosen to the bloodfire and the tree’s rebirth. Allanon visits Amberle the last living chosen and persuade her to accompany him to the quest. He visits Will Ohmsford and asks his help as Amberle’s protector. On the journey they are followed by the worst of the demons, the reaper. At the end will learns the use of elf stones and destroys
As a public health detailer, I have detailed providers and medical staff on the danger of prescribing opioids in Staten Island, Bronx and Brooklyn for the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene. This opportunity has been very rewarding. The ability to educate the medical community which in returns helps have a hand in controlling and possibility ending the opioid epidemic in New York
Just like any library, ancient special libraries, also known as archives, where created to preserve and keep records of specific materials, such as business documents that were written on clay tablets at that time or papyrus scrolls that were about personal or business matters. At first, general libraries were mainly focused on providing educational materials for the adult population; however, libraries have gone through great transformations. Now-a-days, the libraries’ purpose has widened and now they focus on providing any needed information, educational or leisure materials to people of all ages and types of their communities (Rowland, Collection). Also, now public libraries have partnerships with school libraries and academic
Hephaestus is the Greek god of fire and the forge. There are two theories of his birth. The first theory is that he is the son of Zeus and Hera. The second theory has him born to Hera by herself. Both situations end up with Hephaestus being thrown from Mount Olympus. Most people believe he was thrown off by Hera because he was an ugly child. Other people believe he was thrown to Earth because he took Hera’s side of an argument and Zeus became infuriated with him for taking her side.
Why do people always want more power? Power ultimately corrupts the people who wanted absolute power because power intoxicates the people around it. Furthermore, power always causes destruction to the society. The exploration of power is interpreted in Arthur Miller’s classic novel, The Crucible. It was set in 1690s during the inhumane witch trials in Puritan Salem, Massachusetts. Most puritans were very intolerants and self-centered and wanted to get more land. They try to grasp for more power, so they could achieve their goals. The community leaders wanted to keep their supremacy by lying and manipulating other people. They could easily influence and manipulate the society because of their prowess intellect.
Getting to meet and spend time with a famous person is one of my goals and dreams. In order for it to be my dream and goal, it has to be time spent with the San Francisco 49'ERS. This amazing group of athletes has been my team since day one. I have seen them fall and I have seen them rise. I have many meaningful reasons on why they are my favorite team and why I would want to spend a day with them; watching Niner football games with my grandpa, getting to go a game, and my life revolves around football and why it's such a great sport.
This library was funded by steel industry tycoon Andrew Carnegie, who had money given to towns across the country with the goal of achieving better education across the United States. The building elements of the design of this building were done for the purpose of constructing an environment that attests to this goal. The primary builder decided to design her building with a connection to architecture during the Greek Empire. One building that our group saw particular similarities to was the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. The connection between the Parthenon and Carnegie Library contextually was done for the purpose of adding in historical qualities to downtown Bozeman. The connection to the respected empire of Greece shows that the library is educated on some of the life in ancient Greece, especially pertaining towards the art and architectural style of the period, and also serves as a sort of a preview to the wealth of information that lies inside of the building. Another contextual element that draws these two buildings is the purpose of their construction. The Parthenon was erected in Athens as a way to honor their patron deity Athena, as well as housing many important artifacts that served as symbols of Athens victories over the Persians. The designer of The Carnegie Library used these qualities to try and build the library to resemble a temple. This design choice shows where the designers intended the library to serve as a place to worship knowledge, rather than the conventional religion or
Thetis and Peleus were a famous couple in Greek mythology. Peleus married Thetis, daughter of Nereus. Both Zeus and Poseidon had been rivals for her love, but when it was prophesied that the son born to Thetis would be mightier than his father, they lost interest in courting her. Thetis was a Nereid, one of the daughters of Nereus and Doris, while Peleus was a mortal, son of King Aeacus and Endeis. All the gods were invited at the wedding, except Eris, the goddess of detestation. So she decided to get revenge, by throwing among the guests a golden apple, with the words "to the fairest". Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite argued amongst themselves about who the apple was meant for. Zeus didn't have the courage to get involved into this squabble, so
First, the huge scale and proportions of the library shows the enormity of the impact that Lyndon B. Johnson’s life had on the world and what a powerful man he was. The building rises high above the ground, dominating the immediate landscape around it. The average man appears like an ant compared to the vast expanse of the monolithic walls, symbolizing how Johnson was nowhere close to being an ordinary man. Also, the immense size of the building pays homage to other ancient, grand monuments such as the Pantheon, and by doing so
Many thought that such monumental architecture would establish their place within the history books. This fascination with gigantism was spurred in part by the size of the cities themselves, some of which were in the hundreds of thousands, with required the extra space in order to accommodate more individuals. Museums and libraries, such as the famous library in Alexandria, were constructed larger than ever before in order to store texts and relics from bygone ages. These objects helped the Hellenistic rulers assert themselves using imperial imagery to legitimize their claims to power.
The manipulation of materials used by the Romans has still not been equaled to this day. This reality is surprising when considering the span of time which has passed since the completion of the Pantheon. A period of almost two thousand years has come and gone without any other dome structure equivalently matching the enormity and importance of the Pantheon. Hadrian’s commencement of the Pantheon has created one of the more “influential works in Western architectural history (Fazio, Moffett, and Lawrence). Keeping in mind the pantheon was created as a temple to commemorate all the pagan gods of ancient Rome (Alcott). At the time it was a very large undertaking and Hadrian felt that using architecture was a sufficient course of action to demonstrate his imperial prowess. The Roman Empire was outstretched over a vast expanse of land and could not sustain itself, however Hadrian used his knowledge of the lay to procure some elements for his reconstruction of the Pantheon. Literally meaning “many gods” the pantheon also served as a sundial with an oculus opening at the apex of the dome. Hadrian’s belief in pagan deities coerced him to create a grand structure suitable to express the divine influence of the gods over the Roman Empire. In fact, Hadrian’s reign produced many architectural exploits that had never been seen or even attempted before his
With the rise of Alexander “The Great” begins the Hellenistic Age which is used to describe a time which Greek culture spread to places like Egypt and Asia. Due to this Greek culture had changed from what it was during Classical Greece as they were able to achieve much more with this new diverse culture. The Classical Age of Greece is known for its work in philosophy and the arts. The work of Greek philosophers of this time such Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle cannot go unnoticed in these contexts as their accomplishments still have lasting effects on our world today. Along with the great work of these philosophers, came other great works in architecture and drama. Beginning in 448 B.C. Pericles began the construction of the Acropolis,
The report primarily starts by introducing the industry and overview of both WH Smith and its main competitor. The segmental analysis in terms of region and product will follow to have clear understanding of the companies’ structure.
There are seven most remarkable structures of ancient times and I’m going to write about four out of the seven. The statue of Zeus, which was created in 432 B.C., by Phidius, the lighthouse Of Alexandria that was created by Sostratus in 290 B.C. and took 20 years to complete. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus that was first created in 800 B.C. by Croesus and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus that was built around 353 and 350 B.C. These are only four out of the seven wonders I will be writing about who commissioned and created each one of them. How they were built, where they were located, when was it constructed, why they were considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and what happened to them.