
The Character Of Belle From Beauty And The Beast

Satisfactory Essays

Comparing yourself to a fictional character may not be something that has ran through your mind, but it does not hurt to try it. A fictional characters may have very similar characteristics to you that you never realized while watching shows or movies. The three fictional characters that most represent my personality are Belle from Beauty and the Beast for her caring attitude towards others, Regina George from Mean Girls for her confidence in her actions, and Minnie Mouse from Mickey Mouse Club House for her friendliness. Belle is an ordinary girl from a small town who then becomes a princess in the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast, although we have different lifestyles, we also have similarities; we both are caring and love our fathers. In the beginning of the movie, Belle is shown as a very humble girl who lives in a small town with her father. Belle is always kind to the townspeople even though she seems odd to them. Belles father Maurice is also different from the rest, he likes to create inventions which makes him odd to the rest of the townspeople. Despite the rude comments the townspeople make about her father, Belle loves him unconditionally and cares about him. Belles caring personality separates her from the rest of the arrogant young girls from her town. Like Belle, I like to care a lot about my father. My father is the most important person in my life, he is my role model. He may not be the most perfect father in the world, but to me he is the best I could

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