
The Cherry Orchard

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The Cherry Orchard: Critical Analysis The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov is about a Russian family that is unable to prevent its beloved estate from being sold in an auction due to financial problems. The play has been dubbed a tragedy by many of its latter producers. However, Chekhov labeled his play a farce, or more of a comedy. Although this play has a very tragic backdrop of Russia’s casualty-ridden involvement in both World Wars and the Communist Revolution, the characters and their situations suggest a light-hearted tone, even though they struggle against the upcoming loss of the orchard. Apathy and passivity plague the characters and contribute often to the comic side of things. Sometimes, however, the passivity …show more content…

Another example of a character’s inability to suppress foolishness is Yepikhodov’s role of the “unfortunate clod” (Galens 21-39). He continues to stumble over furniture in each of his appearances. He is immediately dubbed “Twenty-two Calamities.” Gayev’s actions also provoke comedy in The Cherry Orchard. He is addicted to fruit candy and spends every cent he has on feeding his addiction. Another of his actions is his incisive billiard shot calls. Sparatically in the conversation or in mid sentence he will call a shot as if he has a cue in his hand at a pool hall. John Fiero writes in his critical analysis of The Cherry Orchard: Madame Ranevsky is a foolish woman only too anxious to return to a worthless young lover; Gayev is an amiable ass who talks too much; Anya is a goose and her Trofimov a solemn windbag; Lopakhin, the practical self-made man, is confused and unhappy; Epihodov a clumsy idiot; Dunyasha a foolish girl; Yasha an insufferable jumped-up lad; and Firs far gone in senility (Corbin, John 33-37). This quote shows the comic elements of the character’s personalities and how they are put to work in the play. Apathy and passivity contrast the comic side of the characters by roping the tragedy back into focus. Mrs. Ranevsky is the biggest example of these qualities. She states, “If only this heavy load could be lifted from my heart; if only I could

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