
Abigail Rian Evans Healing Church

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The Christian church at its inception was a healing church. Healing is one of the fundamental activities that describe the church. Since its inception, the healing functions of the church have taken a wide swing from one of the core activities to the outer fringes and back. Historically, the church’s mission is healing and health, but people have wondered if it has remained true to its calling. In the New Testament, Christ gave the disciples a charge to heal the sick. The book of Acts and the writings of the apostles show that healing was core to their beliefs. However, in the course of time, theological, doctrinal, and cultural differences have caused major changes in the viewpoint of healing in the church. Abigail Rian Evans’ purpose is not to give an exhaustive review of church history, but to give some key points. Evans divides the church’s healing ministry into four different periods.
In the New Testament period, Christ showed that God had power over His creation. Christ used different methods to heal people from all manner of diseases and even death. Jesus, in sending out His disciples, gave them three duties, which were to preach, teach, and heal the sick, including casting out of demons.
The apostolic age continued the importance of healing as Christ had instructed. A common form of authenticating the gospel was the healing of the people. In the book of Acts the preaching of the gospel and healings were interlinked which brought about salvation for many. The apostle

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