
The Christian Worldview Of The Holy Bible

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The term “worldview” refers to an accumulation of core beliefs, which influence the understanding man has of the world. Because a worldview refers to individual beliefs, everyone’s worldview is different. The Christian worldview is based off of the Holy Bible, and because of that, God shapes the way Christians understand the world around them. However, the Bible is not the only influence that Christians are exposed to, and they must constantly monitor their worldview to be certain that it does not stray from the truth in God’s Word. If Christians are able to identify some key beliefs that are in the Bible, it can make the task of monitoring their worldview easier. The beginning of the Bible, the Creation, is one of these foundational beliefs …show more content…

A recurring idea called “Gnostism” is an example of flawed theology which can be exposed by the Creation story. The Gnostics claimed that “the one true God is too high and pure to be contaminated by our lower, physical reality. . . Thus, when Gnostics read the Old Testament, they concluded that the God presented there must be an inferior god.” (Wittmer) The story of Creation reminds Christians of how the world should be, well and good, and can help to paint a clearer picture of what the restored earth will be like. The Gnostic ideas are valid only if God created an imperfect world. Christians know, because of the Creation story, that God created a perfect world. “Christianity, like its parent faith, Judaism, embraced what he [N. T. Wright] and others called ‘creational monotheism.’ They affirmed the goodness of creation and of God’s continual activity within creation. Thus, for them, ‘salvation’ was not a matter of being delivered from the material world to a state of disembodied bliss, but instead, a restoration of God’s intended order for the creation.” (Stonestreet. 2014) Thus, the claim that an inferior god made a tainted creation is false, because the Creation was perfect, and God is the highest being. Because of the Creation story, Christians can recognize Gnostic ideas as flawed theology, affirming the story of Creation as a fundamental base for the Christian

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