
The City Of God: The Nature Of Evil

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In The City of God, Augustine writes about the nature of evil and where he believes it to come from and what the purpose of evil is to the world and humans. He states, “Good thing prevail over bad, however: so much so that, although evil things are permitted to exist in order to demonstrate how the justice and perfect foresight of the Creator can make good use even of them, good things can nonetheless exist without evil…” By this, Augustine is simply saying that without evil in the world, good will not technically exist because it is just the way things are. Evil shows the light on good and gives us proof that the creator is good and can beat evil. In the Chronicles of Narnia book The Magicians Nephew, we get a peek of this very similar ideology …show more content…

Augustine writes about the devil saying, “No doubt he began with the weaker of the human couple in order to achieve the while of his purpose by degrees, supposing that the man would not be so easily deluded, or could not be trapped by his own error…” This is saying that Augustine believed women to be the weaker of the gender, mentally and emotionally. Women were easily tricked and deceived which is why the Devil chose the woman to lie to instead of the man, hoping that the man would simply follow her suit. Man only sinned to stay close to woman due to their bond. Augustine writes, “… It is not believable that Solomon mistakenly supposed that he should serve idols rather, it was by feminine wiles that he was compelled to commit such sacrilege.” Basically stating that Soloman, as a man, could not on his own accord do an evil act, but thinking with feminine thoughts. Likewise, in Lewis’ book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, women are portrayed equally as weak and fragile and susceptible to treachery. This is clearly shown in the chapter “The Spell Begins to Break” when Father Christmas arrives to adorn the Pevensie children with their presents. While the eldest boy, Peter, receives a great sword and shield to protect himself and others, the girls are given different sorts of gifts. Susan, the eldest girl, …show more content…

It starts with a prisoner trapped in a cave unable to see anything but a light from behind and shadows on the wall. This is a metaphor for the imagination of the uneducated person. From there the person goes to the stage where they see a new reality and believes that to be true now that they see beyond the cave shadows. Beyond that they see the real objects that the shadows were meant to be and when they see the light behind everything, they have reached the highest level of education and can stay there forever. But if they were to go back inside that cave with the imagination level, they would surely be killed. In the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, we see the journey of Eustace Clarence Scrubb through the different levels of education in the land of Narnia. When his character is introduced he is almost snobby and looks down on the discussion of Narnia by Edmund and Lucy. Lewis writes, “…he loved teasing them about it. He thought of course that they were making it all up; and as he was far too stupid to make anything up himself, he did not approve of that.” As the story progresses you see Eustace changing as he experiences the magic of the world of Narnia. In chapter 6, The adventures of Eustace, we see how him changing into a dragon opens his eyes to his dragon like behavior not only in the moment but also in the past. In the very last

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