
The Clash of Civilization (Samuel Huntington Article Review) Essay

Decent Essays

The article titled the Clash of Civilization written by Samuel Huntington tries to analyze the world after the cold war.
Huntington in his thesis clearly states that the new era of world politics will not be based on conflicts occurring due to ideological or economic clashes amongst states, but rather the dominating source of conflict will be cultural.
Huntington proposes that instead of classifying countries into first, second or third worlds, one should classify countries in terms of their civilization. He defines one as the highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity people have. Characterization of civilization can be seen through language and religion, but the issue arises that people ultimately …show more content…

4. Even though the west have never been more powerful in both cultural and economic influence, non-western civilizations have been promoting indigenization.
5. It is easier to change economic and political differences then to change cultural ones, because religion makes a sharp distinction between who you are?
6. regional trade has increased among similar cultures and floundered among dissimilar ones. A classic example of this notion is how Japan has not been able to be very successful in bringing together other east Asian countries due to its different culture, while the common culture between China and other East Asian countries has managed to expand regional trade amongst them.
Hence, Huntington proclaims that the clash of civilization will occur at two levels, at the micro level conflicts will occur along civilizational borders, while at the macro level conflicts will happen where power and ideology will be in question.
Huntington notes that the dominance of the west through its power and influence will be predominantly to preserve their status and to be able to confront non-western civilizations when their position is threatened. He then predicts that conflicts between the west and the rest is primarily going to be on the cultural or power differences. He believes that non-western civilizations have three choices, either to isolate and

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