
Confucius Motivation Essay

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History teaches us that motivation has been a key ingredient proven effective in the accomplishment of tasks, or used to get things done. This paper will discuss the classic and contemporary background/history of motivation. In addition, covered will be the theoretical background and theories, the implications motivation has for leaders, and the motivational tactics used in the working environment that stimulate results.
What is motivation? One could say that it is the reason for doing something – to meet a need, desire, or goal. Some people are naturally motivated to achieve and excel. Others are only motivated to do the minimum to get by or survive. We can motivate each other. Likewise, we can be de-motivated when we perceive that …show more content…

Confucius is still regarded as a great philosopher, and his views on moral motivations are still relevant today.
Guillén et al. (2012) build on the classical theories by Maslow, McClellan, Alderfer, and Herzberg, along with more recent motivational theories by Ryan and Deci and others, to explain that human motivations reach deeply inward and vastly outward. Once basic needs have been met, humans are motivated to achieve goals that are satisfying, not just necessary (Guillén et al., 2012). Above that level, humans demonstrate motivations to achieve moral and spiritual good, which coincides with Confucius’ ideals.
Maslow’s description of motivations range from meeting basic, lower-order needs such as those for safety and physiological needs through attainment of increasingly higher-order needs, such as self actualization and esteem. Maslow’s body of work in the 1940’s proposed that humans are only motivated to achieve the higher level needs after fulfillment of the basic needs and that there is a single path through these (Guillén et al., 2012).
McClellan proposed the theory that people are motivated to fulfill three types of needs: achievement, power, and affiliation (Guillén et al., 2012). Aldefer also proposed three needs, but described them as existence, relatedness, and growth (Guillén et al., 2012). Both of these theories emerged in the 1960’s and provided more flexibility in the

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