
The Client Is A Hispanic Male Age 69 Essay

Decent Essays

Assessment The client is a Hispanic Male age 69, who was born in the Dominican Republic. The client communicates solely in Spanish. He has two daughters who both live in the Bronx. The client suffers from Diabetes, Cholesterol and moderate Dementia. The client has shakiness in the hands as a result of a surgery he endured in the brain. The client lives in a rented room in Inwood Heights. Initially, the clients presenting problem included finding adequate housing however, after completing the intake form I became aware that the client was over income for most housing assistance programs. When the client and I talked more about the reasons he wanted to find housing it became obvious that the client wants to feel valued by his children. Also the client mentioned wanting to overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation. The client copes with feelings of seclusion and solitude by coming everyday to the senior center. He also tends to use the defense mechanism rationalization and tries to rationalize behaviors for others including his daughter’s absence from his life. My interpretation of the clients functioning in the situation is that although the client is experiencing health impairments and sadness the client is very self-sufficient. He is capable and able to take care of his hygiene, he is able to feed himself and he is able to go to doctor’s appointments on his own. I do however; think he is in need of case management and emotional support. In order to help my

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