
The Code Of Ethics And Values

Decent Essays

As a social work undergraduate, we have several queries regarding why it is so important to follow the NASW code of Ethics and values that relate to human diversity, with regard for the worth and dignity of all persons, as applied to a specific case where we are delivering social work. It is very essential to recognize the five core values of social work, service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, and integrity and competence on our occupation of social work. Today, we have chosen two areas and situations of how we are going to deal with our biases and our challenges while working as social workers, by employing the NASW code of Ethics and values that relate to human diversity, with regard for the worth and dignity of all persons. To begin with, as a person, I always feel it is very challenging for me to go out and work with different groups of people who speak different languages, who practice different religions, whose beliefs and ideology are different from mine. It is my biggest fear that I may be unable to fit in with a group, and not be liked by them, because they are different from me. On the other hand, it’s also exciting that I am learning and getting exposed to these new cultures, and these new people, and these new languages, which helps me to grow and be the person I want to be in my life. To be specific, I might have complications working with people of color, particularly black/African-American. This has to do

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