
How Did Ho Chi Minh Influence Vietnam

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As Geneva Accords was triggered in 1954, it divided Vietnam into two sections aligning to the 17th parallel. (Ho Chi Minh) While Ho Chi Minh led Communist government and controlled northern part, Diem led U.S supported government and controlled southern part. This pleasant treaty for Vietnam also gave chance to reunify Vietnam in single government regime by letting them have a free election to be held in 1956. Meanwhile, United States and Soviet Union was involved in cold war. After the end of World War II, both nations attempted to spread their political influences to other nations; expansion of Soviet Union’s political influence triggered United States to feel anxiety since both nations had opposing political ideology. Wishing Southeast Asia not influenced by Communists, United States supported Diem rather than supporting Vietnam as a whole. As the free election date approached in Vietnam, Diem’s government in south Vietnam refused to hold election nor they took any action. North Vietnamese Communists, including Ho Chi Minh and some people in south, including Viet Minh supporters, got angry on Diem’s government and on how they used violence to eliminate enemies. The formation of Viet Minh, by Ho Chi Minh, gave a toehold for merging with south Vietnamese people, to …show more content…

As a result of reunification, North Vietnamese Army massacred lot of South Vietnamese people after the flee of Americans. Also, as a result of the battles, infrastructure in Vietnam was destroyed, as well as the farmland in Vietnam, which made Vietnam one of the poorest country in the world. For United States, they lost confidence because they ‘failed’ to contain communism (Results of Vietnam War) and lot of people died in the battle. Also, United States was proved wrong that even though Vietnam retained Communism in their country it didn’t have any effects to the expanding of certain political

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