
The Color Purple By Alice Walker

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The Color Purple by Alice Walker sheds light on the hardships of Celie’s life as an African American woman in the early nineteenth century through letters and prayers written by Celie herself. Soon after birth Celie’s mother dies, and only Celie, her father, and her sister Nettie remain. As a fourteen year old girl, Celie is abused mentally and physically by her father in forms such as rape and beatings. Celie gets impregnated by her father, and when she gives birth to the child, her father kills the child in the woods. Mr._______ (Albert) comes along and wants to marry Nettie, but her father refuses to allow Nettie to marry. However, her father offers Celie, whom he calls the “ugly” one, up for marriage to Mr._______. Celie’s life changes drastically when Mr._______ brings his mistress, Shug Avery, home for Celie to nurse back to health. Celie immediately falls for Shug, and Shug shows Celie what real love looks like when she shows responding emotions to Celie. Being with Shug releases a sense of confidence that Celie has never experienced. Shug helps Celie figure out what happened to her sister, Nettie. Together, they discover that Mr. _______ has been hiding letters from Nettie to Celie for years. From the letters, Celie learns that Mr._______ is not actually her biological father. The letters also reveal that Nettie is living in Africa as a missionary. The reverend she married also adopted Celie’s two children she thought Mr._______ had murdered. Celie learns that

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