
The Common Goods Or Goals Of The Eu

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By definition, a supranational organization is one which, “extends beyond or transcends established borders or spheres of influence held by separate nations” (Hanks, 1991). This concept is applied to the ECJ as an emphasis on “the common goods or goals of the EU, as opposed to the separate interests of member states” (McCormick & Olsen, 2013). The ECJ effectively balances the member states’ need for representation by retaining a slightly intergovernmental element to achieve the goal of an integrated, supranational Europe. Its structure, which consists of 28 judges (representing each member state), a president, and the advocates general; gives member states security that the courts acknowledge the needs and wishes of their people, as each country is represented equally in the courts (McCormick & Olsen, 2013). By approaching the structure intergovernmentally, the ECJ allows each country to feel confident that their interests are being represented. In reality however, the judiciary is incredibly independent and impartial, so the comfort gained from its intergovernmental structure is superficial, and the ECJ is openly supranational. The marginally intergovernmental aspect of the ECJ is undermined by it’s overwhelmingly supranational functions, which have all been part of an effort to further integrate Europe. The court has changed how individuals and corporations pursue their interests legally, how the judiciary resolves conflict, and how policies are made and enforced both at

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