
The Community Health Nursing Practicum Essay

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For the Community Health Nursing practicum, I was placed at Terrace Health Unit within the Public Health department. At this practicum placement, I saw various clients accessing different services at Public Health. The types of services that the Public Health nurses provided are the following: immunizations for children and adults, running multiple flu clinics, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, sexual health clinics, maternity liaison, and the needle exchange program. The majority of what I saw at Public Health was childhood immunizations health clinics.
The one encounter that stood out for me during my practicum was a mother who brought in her 2 year old son to receive the second dose of Infanrix which consists of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Acellular Pertussis-Hepatitis-Polio-Haemophilus Influenzae Type b. This particular mother was described to me as being “one immunization at a time mom” by the Public Health nurses. The mother has three male children: 5-year-old, 2-year-old, and a 6-month infant. The mother and children appear to be Caucasian middle class family. The family appears to be healthy and no signs of illness. The mother previously vaccinated her oldest child one vaccine at time each visit after the child turned two years old over several years’ period. When looking at the MOIS files for the oldest child, the nurse and I noticed that the mother completed one vaccine series at a time.
When researching about the reasons parents or

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