
The Concept Of Virtue In Machiavelli's The Prince

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Virtù is the human energy or action that is contrary to the idea of luck. Although Machiavelli did not exclude the idea of goodness or virtuous behavior in the word, it does not necessarily include it, either. Virtù is the skill, talent, or ability administered toward the achievement of certain goals, and according to Machiavelli, the most significant quality for a prince. Even villains such as Agathocles or barbaric rulers like Severus can possess virtù. It can be inferred from Machiavelli’s work that virtù could defeat fortuna if it was done correctly. A prince would always be successful if he could modify his virtù to the current circumstances. But then again, his works imply that there is a connection between virtu and fortuna. He stated that virtù is wasted if there is no fortuna, and vice versa, which means that there is some sort of collaboration between the two forces. The two forces are dependent on each other.It is difficult and nearly impossible to completely avoid or change the effects of Fortuna, but it could be prepared for and decrease its negative effects.

In Machiavelli's work, The Prince, the concept of virtue is different from the standard meaning associated with the word, suggesting good morals. He uses the Italian word virtù, which could not be translated directly to English, but is closer in meaning to the Latin word virtus or manliness. This word is usually translated with difficulty, often expressed with words referring to unethical qualities that

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