
The Concincing Character Develpoment in Nora Helmer of A Doll’s House and Laura Wingfield of The Glass Menagerie

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Tennessee Williams and Henrik Ibsen both beautifully illustrate their characters in their plays. Although characters Nora Helmer of A Doll’s House and Laura Wingfield of The Glass Menagerie are incredibly different, the authors used very similar techniques of creating them as convincing characters. Nora and Laura both undergo convincing character development with specific motivations behind their actions. Williams and Ibsen also use direct and indirect characterization to further develop Nora and Laura. Without such qualities, the characters would fall short of being memorable. Laura is a static character, like every other character in The Glass Menagerie. From beginning to end, she is described as “terribly shy” by two people—Tom and …show more content…

Unlike Laura, Nora is developed as a very round character through the use of indirect presentation. Over time, Nora builds up the confidence to leave her husband, who treats her like a plaything, a doll. Little things built up to make her marriage unhappy. In the beginning, Nora seems a bit ditzy, even a bit unintelligent, and not much of an intriguing character at all. She allows her husband to call her ridiculous things like his “sulky squirrel” or “little lark” and doesn’t seem the tiniest bit offended by it. She also seemed childish when her husband refused to give her spending money but exclaims, “Money!” when Helmer says “Nora, guess what I have here.” It’s like offering a little child a small present like candy to lift their spirits a little. And she poses to be a little scatterbrained when she couldn’t help but be a little prideful and slightly insensitive while talking to Mrs. Linde, who had almost nothing and was pretty miserable. At first she realized what she was doing and said “Oh, but thoughtless me, to sit here, chattering away. Sweet, good Kristine, can you forgive me?” but reverts back to doing so. Although Mrs. Linde insisted “No, no, no, tell me about yourself,” it seemed like she was saying that out of politeness as Mrs. Linde doesn’t seem like the kind of person to sit there and spill out all of her pains and sorrows. However, the ditzy side of Nora is really only skin deep. She is truly a round character. It can be seen that she is willing

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