
The Consequences Of Child Prostitution

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The commercial sexual exploitation of humans is the fastest growing international crime, earning an estimated 100 billion dollars a year. About 276 women and children are trafficked daily into sexual slavery; unfortunately less than one percent of these victims will ever be rescued or participate in any kind of judicial process. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, one in six endangered runaways are sex trafficking victims. Children involved in child prostitution are often required to work with law enforcement in the arrest and prosecution of their pimp or trafficker in order to avoid jail time. Frequently the child victims are required to call the abuser and get them to admit that they will use the child for sexual acts in the presence of law enforcement for a successful arrest and prosecution. This process can be very damaging to the child if not handled correctly. In a certain account a young woman that was required to make such a call, was told by her abuser “You’re a hoe, you’re a hope to die hoe, and you’re always going to be a hoe. Even your dad knew you were a hoe and that is why he sexually abused you when you were five.” Child prostitution begins at home; most children that become prostitutes in the United States are often sexually abused by their first caregivers. Often the child whom suffered the abuse demeans and pushes away individuals who try to help, believing they aren’t worth helping. The image below demonstrates symbols

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