
The Consequences Of Fairy Stories

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“Happily Ever After,” the three words are so characteristic of a fairy tale. But do fairy tales need to have a happily ever after? The factual answer would be – No. Some of the original versions of the adapted screenplays didn’t have happy endings. In Charles Perrault’s version “Little Red Riding Hood1,” the wolf ate the grandmother and Little Red, thus leaving us with no happy ending. But fairy tales aren’t based on facts and logic. They are the creation of our imagination and (some) a result of our perversions.
In Brothers Grimm though, “Little Red Cap2,” the story has two different endings, both of them happy. The wolf is skinned by the Huntsman in the first one and in the second one, little red is less naïve, doesn’t wander from her …show more content…

The slightest reference to an adult theme makes the rating PG-13 or higher, thereby making it impossible to market to children. Thus, most of the adaptations have reimagined the storyline to make it more suitable for younglings.
But not all of them are marketed towards children, for instance, In the TV series, “Once Upon a Time,” the wolf turns out to be Red herself; who kills her beloved as well as most of the village when she takes off her red cloak which being infused with magic prevents her from transforming. This does have some grotesque scenes but the theme of happily ever after does persist.
Our society has changed drastically, from the 17th and 18th century, when these grotesque versions were classified as fairy tales. The censor board brought into being in the beginning of the 20th century, played a huge role in determining what was age-appropriate and

Joshi 3 what wasn’t6. This helped segregate the audience better and now authors and writers alike had guidelines for their content, according to their consumer base.
In her article, “Fairy Tale reflectionsIn the olden times when storytelling was done by a person and not a recorded narrative that plays after the DreamWorks animation, the phrase “happily ever after” was simply the means to convey the end of the story- just like the phrase “Once Upon

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