
The Consequences Of Social Media And Social Interaction

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In today’s society, social media can be found anywhere. Almost every person has at least one social media account and if one does not they are considered deviant. Social media serves as a norm in society. Many factors contribute to social media and its outcomes in social interaction. Social media can both encourage and impede social interaction. Interactions are highly encouraged on social media platforms. When logging onto Facebook normally there is a prompt asking how you day is or what’s up. Social media wants you to share about yourself, that is basically the goal. Therefore, by posting about yourself you encourage others to respond increasing social interactions. Although, the interactions are technology based and not face to face. Most interactions tend to be short and artificial. Due to the fact that all social media interactions happen through a computer or cell phone, social interactions can decrease. You can get on any platform, but not post anything yet you can still see what others are posting. In most cases, you can find out everything you want to know through social media without ever talking to someone. If I wanted to know when my mother’s friend graduated from high school, all I would have to do is look at his/her facebook account. No social interaction is needed, all that is needed is my phone. Also, it is easy to go to social media to ignore social interaction, which is something I find myself doing all too often. Why talk to anyone when I can find out

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