
The Contract By Iyayi Critical Analysis

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There exists a symbiotic relationship between literature and the critical comments on it. Literature requires criticism for its growth and criticism requires a literary work upon which to validate its usefulness (Wright 1973). The novel especially is meant to enlarge our understanding of life and deepen our knowledge of the social, political and historical issues of our societies (Palmer, 1986). The novelist should be able to present a fully realized body of life and create realistic characters and situations in the story if it should be considered as successful. A novel, according to Palmer (1986), is realistic
… if it deals with issues and modes of conduct applicable to human beings and if the author, by using certain techniques, convinces …show more content…

The article focuses on the setting, plot and structure, point-of-view, characterization and diction. It seeks to explain, evaluate and justify the significance of these literary devices to the overall thematic preoccupation of the novel. The contract x-rays corruption in Nigeria as perceived by the author. Through the awards of fraudulent contracts, Nigerian political and institutional leaders defraud public coffers and siphon the money abroad while social infrastructures collapse from neglect. The literary technique employed by the author in underscoring the theme is the subject matter of this …show more content…

His weak moral disposition is a good pointer to that fact. From the beginning of the story, we appreciate his critical views on the naked display of corruption, bribery and nepotism in the society. He considered all those social behaviours to be negations of human values. This informs his initial objection to being appointed principal secretary in charge of special projects. But as the story progresses, we begin to witness a gradual diminution in his convictions. He appears to be too easily persuaded by Mallam Mallam and Uncle Suralo to accept the post specially reserved for him through the act of

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