
The Contribution Of Victoria Lee

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Victoria Lee was an important significant figure due to her intelligence and intellectual contributions to the community. She was always in love with school, had a passion for helping others, and had goals to make a difference. Empathetic ever since she took her first few breathes, many people gravitated towards her bright personality and good spirit. All she wanted most was to be the cause of someone else’s smiles and laughter. With a focused mindset and initiative, both helped her grow from her mistakes and value opportunities for the future. She was born on January 25, 2000 at Valley Medical Hospital in San Jose, California. She was the youngest, having one older brother, Nikolas Lee, who was older than 2 years old at the time. Her mother was Barbara Alderete and her father, Frank Lee, was the oldest. Her parents were also living in San Jose, officially setting it to raise their children. A life changing event during this time would change her views of what a family was supposed to be like. At 10 months old, her mother and father separated. This was significant in her life because this event had made her feel guilt. She thought, when she was older, that her mother giving birth to her and living in the world was her fault for why her family broke apart. Victoria would later learn the importance of what seemed to be a traumatic event as a decision that was best for everyone. In her early childhood years, an important skill she learned was observance. She enjoyed watching

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