
Essay on The Contributions of Google Inc. to Society

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Google Inc. contributes to our society daily, through many of its ingenious ideas and items. Although it may seem like the majority of our technology comes from major companies such as Microsoft or Apple, this is not always true. One huge invention of Google Inc. is the modern day search engine. Google also has created The Cloud, Android phones, Google Chrome, and many other applications., or Google for short, is the world’s most widely used search engine. Google’s search engine can help you locate things such as directions, stores, idea’s for papers, and more. Now, many people ask, “How does a search engine work?” Well, I’ll tell you (Overview). Inventions Google Inc. uses programs called crawlers. …show more content…

Google has created a new form of computing called “The Cloud”. With cloud computing, the apps themselves live “in the cloud” on the web and you don’t need any installed software or hardware to use them as long as you have an Internet connection. Because of this great idea, you can access all of your information where ever you are from you’re phone, computer, or laptop. Instead of always having to update your programs on your computer, the cloud stays current automatically. Also, your files will not clutter up your hard drive space, because everything will be stored in a different location, solely managed by Google, which you can access whenever you need too. Your files are safe from any hard drive disasters that may occur, such as crashes, or short circuiting. All of the files you upload can also be viewed by friends, if you choose to let them. The Cloud can also be used in small and large business situations, in order to keep everyone current on projects, when people may not live in the same area. The Cloud will allow business partners to work on the same piece of information, without having to save their own file and compare later. The cloud will also allow family members to share photos and files, with the rest of their family around the globe. All of this is possible because of the ingenious invention of The Cloud. Google keeps copies of all the uploaded information on many servers, just in case one breaks down, or an error

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