
The Controversial Issue Of Gun Control In America

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Gun Control has been a controversial topic in recent news headlines all around America, because of recent mass casualties, the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, movie theater shootings, college campuses shootings, and police officer shootings. According to Webster’s Dictionary, the term gun control is defined as regulation of the selling, owning, and use of guns. Many Americans have been conflicted by the controversial issue of gun control because of gun safety, constitutionality, and armed civilians.
“’Safety’ and ‘gun’ are not mutually exclusive terms. Something that does intentional harm should also be engineered not to do unintended harm’ (Easterbrook). Some people would say that putting stricter gun laws in effect would lessen the likelihood …show more content…

We experience tragedy upon inexcusable tragedy, but fail to recognize firearms as the lethal consumer products that they are” (Blek). What they are trying to argue is that guns are killing innocent people in this day and age, and it not like it is people that deserve to be killed it is more and more of little kids, teenagers, adults as well. What the author of “Gun Control Is Constitutional” is trying to argue is that we are not violation the 2nd Amendment by enforcing stricter gun laws. We are just simply trying to reduce the amount of criminals that are not allowed the privilege to own guns not to get their hands on a possible lethal weapon in the future, so that we can reduce the number of mass causalities shooting that are happening far too …show more content…

It used to be understood that the powers of Congress could be increased only by amending the Constitution, and it has never been amended to enable the federal government to limit the right to keep and bear arms (Sobran).” What Sobran is trying to argue in his passage is that guns are the human right to the people and that government official are not allowed to infringe on that. The second amendment states that “we have the right to bear arms.”” Second, the Second Amendment, whatever else it means, clearly forbids the federal government to "infringe" that right. Such a positive prohibition against such a power is much stronger than a tacit presumption against it (Sobran).” This is stating that the government has no right to infringe on the people because they have the right to bear arms. Quite frankly the government cannot pass anything without the approval of the people because if you look at it a certain way they are technically our workers because we voted all government official into office. This article provided by Sobran also states that gun control is completely un constitutional for the government to do away with the right to bear

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