
The Correlation Between Neighborhoods And Neighborhood Contexts, Tama Leventhal And Jeanne Brooks Gunn

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Living in a very poor neighborhood can cause many bad instances. In a sense, people are not living in the poor neighborhood willingly. They don’t have more capability to afford rents and taxes in a better neighborhood. These poor people are restricted to the dark side due to their below average employment, and other financial reasons. Other factor is that each race and ethnicity can put a different outcome in the same scenario. The lifestyle in different ethnicity differs. In some countries, neighborhood does not influence people, while in some other culture neighborhood affect a personality/behavior very much. In order to find out the correlation between neighborhoods they live in, and the average person of an individual scientists from different fields conducted a study. In the paper Children and Youth in Neighborhood Contexts, Tama Leventhal and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn talks about an experiment where the desegregate people under public housing. They gave vouchers for rents to live in different neighborhood. Some people were shifted to poorer neighborhood, and some were moved to better neighborhood. The scientists were interested in the performance of the youth. They found out that, a youth which moved to a better neighborhood did better on academics, and cognitive abilities compared to a youth that moved to poorer neighborhood. The article also mentioned that, youth which moved into poor neighborhood had some physical and mental issues too. The outcomes from different

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