
The Cost Of A Degree

Decent Essays

The Cost Of A Degree
“With the changing economy, no one has lifetime employment. But community colleges provide lifetime employability.” –Barack Obama. In our last presidential term Obama said these words upon a proposal that will forever leave an impression and hope on Americans all over. Free college tuition for the first two years. A proposal in which he believes kindergarten through fourteen or (the first two years of community college) should be a part of our education system. This would have an impact nationwide but particularly in my hometown where according to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2014 22% of Yakima county lives in a below poverty level rate. With poverty levels rising not only locally but nationwide free college tuition would …show more content…

By allowing free college tuition the ambition gap would become more achievable to students making them thrive in less stressful schooling environments knowing their college tuition wouldn’t be a burden of accelerating in academics.
Another way free college tuition would benefit our country is by allowing the education gap at the bottom to no longer set a standard on education students receive. Thomas L. Friedman author of “The World Is Flat”, states, “So it made it possible for relatively wealthy people to organize into self-taxing districts. And that meant that wealthy people, by associating with each other, could tax themselves at relatively low rates and still produce very high per capita per student school budgets, because of their bigger homes and higher property tax assessments.” (360). Funding plays a major role in how many schools are educated and at what level by levels of poverty, but by allowing free college tuition students can look at more schools that offer some of the best of education.
In order to minimize the numbers gap of students trying to thrive in earning a degree, free college tuition can allow students to pursue more degrees in less sought after jobs. Friedman states, “According to the National Science Foundation, half of America’s scientists and engineers are forty years or older, and the

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