Niger, a country located in North West Africa, is simply one of the poorest countries in the world. With the majority of its land occupied by dry, infertile desert, finding a secure source of food is next to impossible for many (Burki 1). Malnutrition is common and affects a large part of the population. 800,000 children under five years old die from acute malnutrition annually (Langendorf). A popular choice in Niger is to avoid the dry land by herding livestock for a living. However many still choose to grow pearl millet, one of the few plants able to grow in semi-arid regions, to feed their family (Sawaya 1). A small family in Niger, living just a few miles from the city of Zinder, attempts to feed their family by growing pearl millet. …show more content…
Unfortunately the family has no security regarding food and as a result the children are malnourished. This is not uncommon, as every other child in Niger suffers from chronic malnutrition (Burki 1). The mother also suffers from malnutrition due to lack of recovery time between births. In order to provide for their family, the parents often go hungry, but even this is not enough. The root of the children’s malnutrition comes from lack of access to food and insufficient income to buy food and care for themselves.
The family sells most of the millet harvest in order to get enough income to buy other types of food. They often struggle with trying to find a balance in how much millet to sell and how much to keep for their children. Although the millet farming does provide some food for the family, the more they take for themselves, the less income they receive. Still, the children’s diets are heavily made up of millet. While millet is a high energy grain and high in zinc, it lacks iron and vitamin A, nutrients that children depend on (Sawaya 1). As a result, not only are the children deficient in many essential vitamins, some of the children have anemia, a condition caused by iron deficiencies. Symptoms of anemia include dizziness, fatigue, chest pain and shortness of breath (Mayo Clinic). For a family that depends on their children’s health to produce a good harvest, nutrient deficiencies, especially anemia,
Due to the unrest in Somalia, many children are malnourished because they are deprived of a balance diet.
“Some kids don’t get enough to eat, no matter what people tell themselves,” says Anna Quindlen on the topic of child hunger. In the United States child hunger is not as major as it is in other countries but, that doesn’t mean that is doesn’t exist. The problem of child hunger is virtually ignored in first world countries like the U.S. because of how increasingly worse it is in many third world countries such as Africa. Anna notices this problem and wishes to educate others on the topic and inform the reader on the problem.
Like any country, there are a variety of health concerns. About 50 percent of the children are malnourished-phsycially and mentally. When people experience malnourishment, often times it can stunt people’s growth as such a young age. Some illnesses are heart disease, kidney damage, and anemia, which can lead into adulthood.
But there are many different opinions about Faulkner and his writing. In The world that created William Faulkner – William Faulkner and Southern History by Joel Williamson, Don H. Doyle talks and comments on Joel Williamson’s thoughts about Faulkner’s work. It is said in the document that Williamson investigated Faulkner and his family and found some very interesting things. For example, that Faulkner’s grandfather stole five thousand dollars of the taxes he collected for the government and ‘supposedly’ ran away with a black woman that served another family. Even if Williamson is a historian that likes to look into the facts rather than the ‘town’s gossip’ he states that the stealing part was true. He also talked about Faulkner’s allegations
Malnutrition causes nearly half of all deaths in children under five. (Food Aid Foundation.) Millions of children, gone, into thin air. As if they never existed. Millions of stories, millions of futures, all dead, uncared for. More than 795 million people do not have access to enough food to live a healthy lifestyle. (Food Aid Foundation.) Potential scientists, doctors, and musicians will never be able to achieve their goals because they can’t even obtain food. In Haiti, a small central-american country, one out of every three children lose the ability to grow because of malnourishment (Naq, Oishimaya Sen.). The severity of malnourishment in Haiti causes Haitian children to acquire many terminal diseases and blood deficiencies (Naq, Oishimaya
“What does malnutrition look like? Most of us think of bloated bellies or skin and bones, but the appearance of a hungry child might surprise you. Internationally hunger often stunts growth. Imagine a 9-year-old who appears to be only 5” (“Feed the Children.” Feed). Almost 1 billion kids worldwide live in poverty and 1 in 4 children around the world suffer from malnutrition that stunts growth (“Feed the Children.” Give). This is a very big problem not only in America but everywhere else, malnutrition is the cause of almost half of child deaths each year around the world (“Feed the Children.” Give). It is close to impossible for a malnourished child to recover from diarrhea or to fight off a small illness because their immune system is just simply too weak (“Feed the Children.”
A balanced nutrition for the first 3 years of a child’s life is extremely important to stabilize their mental and physical health in the future. Starvation is a common problem with poor families. It currently affects 49.1 million families in the United States. Undernutrition is the start to many diseases such as measles and malaria. If the children get these diseases, it is very likely that they don’t have health insurance to cover their illnesses and injuries. 15.8 million children have families who are not consistently stable to feed them. Food pantries are crowded and jam packed with people, that they don’t have enough food for all. The majority of canned foods and other donations are donated during Christmas or Thanksgiving when the food pantries need it the most. Nobody realizes that they need food all throughout the year. Food is the main component to fuel the body to grow and move. Poverty doesn’t just hurt a child physically through starvation, moreover mentally through learning
When people think about malnutrition, many think of the children who don’t have food to eat. Which is a huge problem, and a problem that can be prevented. “Malnutrition afflicts an estimated 34 million children worldwide, and results in the loss of 1 million children under five every year.” However, in the US, malnutrition as a result of inadequate food intake is rare, although it may occur if a child is neglected, living in poverty or being abused. Moreover, a lot of children become malnourished because they are picky about what they eat, or refuse to eat due to issues with body image.
A large problem of childhood poverty is malnutrition. Since these children are growing up in poverty, many of the parents have a hard time supplying food for their kids. Surprisingly, there
(Hennie Swanepoel and Frik De Beer,Introduction to Development studies 1st Edition1997)”mentioned that malnutrition has a number of serious effects on human beings and their ability to live a productive life. There are different types of malnutrition. There are direct effects and indirect effects that influence the health of the people. Direct effects are Protein energy malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, iodine deficiency and Anaemia and indirect effects is mortality from other diseases attributed to mild or moderate underweight and mortality from other diseases attributed to vitamin A deficiency. (Regan C 80:20 development in an unequal world :) mentioned that malnourishment and undernourishment can affect people for their entire lives. A malnourished individual may grow up with physical or cognitive disabilities and face a life of hardship assaults such disabilities also have a debilitating affect upon a country’s workforce and subsequently its economic productivity. Malnourishment and undernourished has made a very bad impact in our country. For example: from the previous years there are parents who never took their kids for immunisation and also they never give them a proper
Despite the vast research on nutrition and health, malnutrition is still a major fatality in this present day. Policymakers, social scientist and medical experts have expressed alarm about the growing problem. While most agree that the issue deserves attention, consensus dissolves around how to respond and resolve the problem. Malnourishment continues to be a primary health liability in developing nations such as Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. It is globally the most significant risk factor for illness and death, predominantly with hundreds of millions of pregnant women
Food insecurity in children have severe impacts to their growth and development. Moreover, nutritious food is critical for a child's physical and psychological development. Without nutritious food kids can develop obesity, abnormalities related to the deficiencies, and compromised immune systems. Therefore, they can have poorer academic outcomes, chronic conditions, hyperactivity, and inattention. Nurses will be one of the first to observe the impacts of child poverty on the children they care
Food will always be one of the most important things in your life. Every living thing on the face of the earth needs nutrition to survive, grow, and reproduce. Unfortunately, about 795 million people in the world do not have enough to eat. This number represents about 1 in 9 people on the planet and is much higher in developing countries where 13% of the population is malnourished. Malnutrition or malnourishment is a condition that results from eating a diet in which there are not enough nutrients or there are so many that the diet causes health problems. A malnourished persons body has difficulty doing normal things like growing and fighting illnesses. Two billion people in the world suffer from various forms of malnutrition. The most basic kind is called protein energy malnutrition. This includes low height and weight and a lack of nutrients that help the body to function properly. Another common group is overweight, obesity, and diet related diseases like diabetes and heart disease. When people refer to world hunger, they are talking about undernutrition. One of the places most affected by this is Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa, the area of the African continent that lies south of the Sahara Desert, has the highest level of food insecurity in the world.
Childhood and adolescence are expected to be the times of great functioning and physical health, yet poverty provokes this from occurring and children face poor health. Children living in poverty are at immense risk for their development, health and overall well-being. According to Komro, 2011, the absolute rate of poverty among children is higher in the United States than in other industrialized nations. Nationally, One in five children are living in poverty (Raphel, 2014). Malnourishment is one of the numerous outcomes from poverty; children are suffering each day in America with this threat to their health. Malnourishment is a result of either not having sufficient nutrients in their diet or having it excessively that it causes health problems.
Childhood and adolescence are expected to be the times of great functioning and physical health, yet poverty provokes this from occurring and children face poor health. Children living in poverty are at immense risk for their development, health and overall well-being. According to Komro, 2011, the absolute rate of poverty among children is higher in the United States than in other industrialized nations. Nationally, One in five children are living in poverty (Raphel, 2014). Malnourishment is one of the numerous outcomes from poverty; children are suffering each day in America with this threat to their health. Malnourishment is a result of either not having sufficient nutrients in their diet or having it excessively that it causes health problems.