
The Criminal Code Is Responsible For Controlling Firearms

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Canada, like Australia, saw a mass shooting in 1989 that acted as a catalyst for change in gun policy in Canada. On December 6, 1989 a male, aged 25 went into the École Polytechnique de Montréal (Patel). The male had a 223-caliber rifle in his possession (Patel). One that day there was 14 women who were shot, and 14 who were injured (Patel). Marc Lépine, the offender, stated to the women as he was killing them that he was doing this since they were feminists and he did not want them to become engineers since they would be taking jobs from men (Patel). This shooting unlike any other that had been seen in Canada’s history. In Canada, the Firearms Act, and the Criminal Code are responsible for controlling firearms (Library of Congress – Canada 1). The Criminal Code is responsible for defining “the main categories of firearms, which include restricted, prohibited, and non-restricted firearms” (Library of Congress – Canada 1). The Firearms Act is responsible for regulating “the possession, transport, and storage of firearms” (Library of Congress – Canada 1). In Canada it is required that you have a license and register your firearm in order to legally own one (Library of Congress – Canada 1). The licensing and registration are set forth and administered by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) (Library of Congress – Canada 1). The Firearms Act was enacted on December 5, 1995 just shy of six years after the École Polytechnique de Montréal shooting. Firearm regulation is a

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