
The Critical Part Of Eating Healthy Is A Balanced Diet Essay

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The critical part of eating healthy is a balanced diet. A balanced diet means eating from all the different food groups in the right amounts. The five main food groups are whole grains, fruit and vegetables, protein, diary, fat, and sugar. A good diet can promote good health. To have a good diet you must include several food groups because one group could not give everything a human needs for good health. From reading studies, I found that ways to eat healthy would be, to eat the right types of food, eat the recommended amount of food, read food labels, and limit foods and drinks. Although in my opinion, these are the best to eat but to have a healthy diet people should eliminate foods such as cakes, cookies, ice cream, candy, doughnuts, muffins, fries and other fast food, nachos, chips, alcohol, Kool-aid, and soft drinks. As a young mother of two young children and a full-time college student, it is very hard to keep up a good diet. I am by no means perfect, especially my diet. Most of the time I am on the go, which means quickly grabbing a snack or fast food. A lot of the time I will skip breakfast, have a snack for lunch and not eat a full meal until dinner. That is mainly because that is when everything slows down and I can actually sit down to have a meal. That is not always the case, but most of the time it is. Although, some weeks are better or worse than others, this week of my dietary analysis happened to be a bad week, but this is only a glimpse of my diet. I do

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