
The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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Michael Stukan A.P. Language and Composition Period 2 September 18, 2015 The Crucible by Arthur Miller Plot and Conflict The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller as an allegory for the Red Scare after World War II, tells of the infamous Salem witch trials of 1692. The play opens in the house of Reverend Samuel Parris, whose daughter Betty is unconscious in a trance. At midnight on the previous night, the Reverend witnessed his daughter, slave Tituba, and niece Abigail Williams perform a ritual in the woods. Soon there is talk amongst the villagers that witchcraft is involved. Prior to the start of the play, the misleading and vengeful Abigail committed adultery with John Proctor. Viewing his wife Elizabeth as the only obstacle to her desires, Abigail consumed blood that night in the forest to kill her. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Reverend Hale, a man of faith and intellect, is summoned to diagnose Betty’s illness, thereby bringing about the main plot’s conflict. Once Abigail confesses, “I danced for the Devil; I saw him, I wrote in his book” and repents, she accuses other townspeople of practicing black magic; the others follow her lead (50). Those loathed by the bewitched party are indicted and apprehended, but are freed upon admitting their crime. The girls’ scheme escalates when Mary makes a poppet to plant in the Proctor household; she realizes this is her solution to eliminating Elizabeth. Elizabeth is imprisoned upon discovery of the evidence. The play reaches its climax

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