
The Crucible Effect Essay

Decent Essays

Hello to you, Venkatesh Rao. I have read your work and I give props to you. As to who I am, well I am only a girl who has read your blog and felt the need to respond back to you about what I think. Your blog, ribbonfarm, is thought provoking and attention-grabbing, although from the people who have read it and that I know of, they will disagree with me. The reason why they disagree with your points is because they think you are a bit pompous, and I get what they mean. You speak about others quite bluntly in your blogs. In the article or blog post called “The Crucible Effect and the Scarcity of Collective Attention,” you prefer to the uneducated as petty men. A bit harsh if you ask me, but then again who am I to answer or to even be asked in …show more content…

Then those immigrants have to take the dull, dirty, and dangerous occupations that all the other people do not want. They came for the American Dream that they believed was existent but in reality it was false hope. Instead of finishing their education they have to work for long hours, with little pay, and hardly any sleep or ‘free’ time. Do you remember that part in which you talk about the false hope that keeps people going? “We’ve moved from slavery to false hope as the main mechanism for working with the spectrum, but whatever the means, the spectrum is here to stay.” It might seem strange that I added that here but I think it makes sense with what I am about to point out. The part I would like to focus on more is “we’ve moved from slavery to false hope…” This part of the quotation can be interpreted in different ways.
To conclude with my argument, I would like to say that this might seem like it is just a response to your post but it is not. This is much more. I have thought over of what you were trying to say when you posted your post about “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor.” It makes sense that you want to show something through your words, and that is what I am trying to

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