Michelle Burlaza Mr. Coons American Literature 23 April, 2013 “The Crucibles” Literary Analysis In the Drama “The Crucibles” by Arthur Miller, creates an intensifying and motivating situation that keeps readers on their toes eager to find out what happens next. Miller gives a dramatical attitude and emotion in the situation that is scattering in Salem. Miller emphasizes the plot/situation in the text through a few specific characters, their conflicts, and transition of the plot in every act. Miller describes the plot through 3 main characters; John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, and Abigail Williams. I liked how throughout the play miller focused on the conflict in between the 3 characters which impacted the overall plot of the play, …show more content…
Whore! Whore!” Abigail: “Mr. Danforth, he’s lying!” Proctor: (His voice about to break, and his shame great). In the proper place-where my beasts are bedded. On the last night of my joy, some eight months past. She used to serve me in my house sir.(He has to clamphis jaw to keep from weeping.) A man may think God sleeps, you, sir, I beg you- see her what she is. My wife, My dear Good Wife, took this girl soon after, sir, and put her out on thehigh road. And being what she is, a lump of vanity, sir- (he is being overcome.) Excellency, forgive me, forgive me. (Angrily against himself, he turns away from the governor for a moment. Then as though to cry out is his only means of speech left.) she thinks to dance on me and my wife’s grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whore’s vengeance, and you must see it; I set myself entirely in your hand. I know you must see it now.” This shows how Miller increases the suspicion in the conflict within Abigail and Proctor making it more obvious and for the audience to figure out what happens
Hook: Crucible is a book filled with mistakes and the outcomes of those mistakes. Every single action that a person commits leads to either a positive or a negative consequence, and this piece of literature provides readers with an opportunity to analyze some causes and effects.
Ad Hominem: Latin for “against the man,” and refers to the logical fallacy (error) of arguing that someone is incorrect because they are unattractive, immoral, weird, or any other bad thing you could say about them as a person. (https://literaryterms.net/ad-hominem/)
In chapter 6 throw 7 jesse,and perry are both having a hard time perry got really sick. Jesse is having trouble with his family. They keep fighting with each other,and there on a ship that's taking them to Baltimore. Jesse knows that to get throw Baltimore he has to say that Perry is his slave. I think Perry not going to be ok with that.
In “The Crucible” Arthur Miller made the plot develops through the conflicts by using high tension and climaxes. He ends each of the four acts with a climax. In addition, he allowed the protagonist to develop throughout the acts. “The Crucible” has many internal and external conflicts. The major external conflict is John Proctor trying to save his wife from being hanged by the town officials for supposedly being a witch. The major internal conflict is John trying to decide between saving himself and family from being hanged, or accept the death penalty for false accusations against him. The main conflict sharply differentiated good and evil as John Proctor, the protagonist of the play is faced with the
How many people have you met in your life that is stronger because of a difficult experience they went through? Most people are because we take these difficult experiences and grow from them and become better people. This is the exact case is expressed in the play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller. The story begins in Salem, Massachusetts 1692 right in the middle of a period of witchcraft hysteria. During this time many people were accused of being witches and wrongly convicted by judges Danforth and Hathorne. The characters in the story are struggling because of a girl named Abigail who gets caught practicing witchcraft and then starts naming and accusing others so that she doesn’t get in trouble; one of these people being a well-respected farmer, John Proctor’s, wife Elizabeth. The title, The Crucible, refers to a test, trial, ordeal, formation by fire, and vessel baked to resist heat, and the entire story is an allegory meaning it has a hidden meaning. John Proctor symbolizes a crucible by embodying the definition of one, as he went through a test and was formed by fire.
A theme in The Crucible is that a society ruled by theocracy and status based on religion is bound to fall apart. Salem 's strict adherence to the Christian shurch is evident in everything the citizens do. They use measures of a person 's knowledge and adherence to the religion as a means of judging their character and also their status in society. They believe "God [was] provoked so grandly by such a petty cause" (121), which is why the "jails are packed" (121). If the citizen did anything to make God angry, they were punished. This is why the judges were so relentless and naïve in putting the accused women to trial and convicting them. They believed "the law, based upon the Bible, and the Bible, writ by the Almighty God,
“The Crucible” is a play that takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The play starts in the woods, the characters Abigail, Betty, Tituba, Mary Warren, and Mercy Lewis were casting spells in the forest. Samuel Parris catches them in the woods and Betty passes out. They go to the Proctors house to make sure Betty is okay. Parris is contemplating on what the town will think of him when they find out what has happened. He tells Abigail to tell him what happened in the woods. Abigail tells him they were dancing.
The play The Crucible written by Arthur Miller, withholds many conflicts that arise resulting in many themes as well. Such as weight, Reputation, and Good vs. Evil. These themes form from the Salem witch trials. Repeatedly people become accused of witchcraft, throughout the play this continues to drag out due to the people of Salem’s accusations and deceit for one another. The play continues to move to a tense and moving climax resulting in the death of many prominent people of Salem.
Imagine the year is 1692. In a small Massachusetts town a culture of highly religious folk live in peace. Salem. It´s late January and the reverendś young niece Abigail and only daughter begin to act strangely. Rumors of witchcraft fly through town and fear runs rampant.In around a year 200 people are unjustifiably accused and 20 sentenced to capital punishment. Who is next? The strange widow down the road? The Coreys? In a time of obscured justice, line were crossed and innocent lives lost. In his breakthrough play, The Crucible, Arthur Miller spins a tale not far from the truth.Letting his readers explore a gruesome tale of blind hatred. In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, Abigail Williams embodies the wrongdoings of the Salem Witch Trials.
he mood and situtation that he was in. At the end (Act ]I[) John Proctor was
Good leaders are essential to the functionality and prosperity of a community. They should be honest, genuine, and selfless. Good leaders keep the interests of the people they lead in mind when making all decisions instead of focusing on their own personal goals. It can be quite disastrous when leaders have ulterior motives or bad principles. When leaders are dishonest, deceitful, and selfish, it causes problems for the whole community and a distrust between the leader and the community. A person in power should lead responsibly and consider the consequences of their actions, before making any decisions, large or small. If a leader is irresponsible, it can have disastrous effects upon the community. In his play, The Crucible, Arthur Miller explores how the corruption of power leads to the destruction of a community through the characters Reverend Parris, Judge Danforth, and Abigail Williams.
Throughout American history, no matter what time period, humans have been categorized, discriminated against, and treated according to their class, financial status, and race. Many concrete and obvious examples of this have appeared throughout the years, ranging from the Salem witch trials in the late 1600’s, all the way to the recent civil rights movements in the 1950’s and 60’s. Social history uses personal stories to show how class/status and race played a part in the way people were treated in America.
The Crucible by Arthur Miller is an interpretation of the Salem witch trials of 1692 in Puritan Massachusetts in which religion, justice, individuality and dignity play a vital role. These factors define the characteristics of many of the most significant characters in the play. Some of them being John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Reverend Hale, Danforth and many others. The Salem witch trials were a result of the lack of expression of individuality and the fact that no individual could expect justice from the majority culture as a result of the deterioration of human dignity in the Puritan society of Salem.
Proctor is a stern individual who likes to lay down the law. In a sense, it’s his way or the highway. Proctor is stern towards Abigail when she talks about their encounters. He says “Abigail you’ll put this out of mind” (Miller 14). “Aye but we did not,”(Miller 15) and “You’ll speak nothin of Elizabeth” (Miller 15) are both examples of how Proctor can be a stern individual. He tells Abigail they did not touch or have any relations even though that is not true. He is telling Abigail what happened and it’s all how he sees the issue. He doesn’t want Abigail speaking anything of his wife because that is a touchy subject to Proctor. Proctor
In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Reverend Parris is a character in the play that is very static. His character does not evolve in many ways during the course of the play. By the end of the play, Reverend Parris is still selfish, stubborn, and greedy. However, one of his most prominent flaws at the begging of the play is his selfishness.