Argentinian culture is a mixture of many other cultures and it has been largely influenced by Spanish colonialism and immigrants from all around the world and mostly from Europe. Buenos Aires is the capital city of Argentina. The city is also known as the cultural capital and it represents political, economic and cultural heart of the country. Argentinian culture is spreaded in lots of areas from dance to language and it has very unique sides which makes the culture extremely interesting.
The number of spoken languages in Argentina is at least 40, although Spanish is dominant. According to 2010 national census and some other researches, there are about 41 million Spanish speakers in the country(almost the entire population). There are around one million Levantine Arabic speakers in Argentina, as a result of immigration from the Middle East, mostly from Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine. Argentina has more than 1,500,000 Italian speakers; which is the second most spoken language in the nation. Italian immigration effectively began in the middle of the 19th century and made a permanent impact on the pronunciation and created the language what Argentinians call Castilian, which sounds more like Italian than Spanish. Some Indian languages are also used in the inner country, such as Araucano, Guarani or Quichua.
Roman Catholicism acts as the official state religion. The historical background is very much due to the Spanish influence brought about through the
When you hear people speak of the Argentine culture people rarely know what all revolves around this culture that we in America enjoy today. The Argentine culture is known mostly for the tango when concerning music. Folk, pop and classical music are also popular music genres that we enjoy even to this day. The Cosquín National Folklore Festival, a well known venue for folklore music has been gathering musicians from the genre annually since 1961. When you tango you don’t just dance you let the music move your body. The tango originates from the dance of the milonga, which was created by the combination of rhythms by Europeans.
Jacobo Timerman’s memoir Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number both details Timerman’s time in captivity at the hands of the Argentine military government and examines the political climate in Argentina that allowed said government to “eliminate reality” (13) and plunge the country into chaos. Timerman exhaustively covers all forms of oppression – from various physical tortures to outright violations of the law – that the military government carries out in order to convey to the reader the idea of the military government’s “philosophy of repression” and illustrate the direness of the Dirty War. Many of the grievances committed against Timerman and his companions (like the 10,000 “disappearances,” or torture by electrocution) may stand out as particularly egregious examples of the military government’s oppression of the people. However, I believe that the military government’s hunger for complete control of Argentina and its people stands as the worst and most important aspect of its repressive philosophy, and that this need for control encouraged many of the actions that left lasting scars on both Timerman and Argentina itself.
The nation was first discovered by the Spanish in 1492. The official language of Cuba is Spanish; however, many people who live there also speak English German, French, Russian, Portuguese and Italian. Like its population, Cuba also has a many types of religions, making it a very cultural place. A blend of native African religions and Roman Catholicism, are widely practiced there. The largest organized religion is the Roman Catholic Church. Officially, Cuba has been an atheist state for most of the Castro era (Landis).
During the Spanish conquest and colonization of Mexico, Roman Catholicism was founded as the main religion of Mexico, and today, about 89% of Mexicans identify themselves with Catholicism. Evangelical religions have grown in
Throughout the ensuing paper we will dive into a country of rich heritage, beautiful landscape, and an extraordinary people with a very promising future. Chile is the longest country in the world geographically speaking with a majority of the population residing in the central region, specifically Santiago, the capital, and Viña del Mar. The official language is Spanish, although in some regions a couple of other languages are still prevalent.
With the development of economic integration globally, man is beginning a new era of global negotiation. Cross-cultural business negotiations that between business people who from different countries with different mentalities and cultures are becoming more and more frequent. At present, people gradually concern the problems, which are triggered by cross-cultural business negotiations. American Great Plains Foods was a manufacturer and marketer meat products that was founded in 1896. It grew into international company that people relied on for Great Plains' strong brand. Comidas Gaucho is well-known Argentina food processor which was targeted by Great Plains look into forming
While Argentina’s exportation of culture is most prominently seen in the popularization of tango, only some of the international awareness of Argentine culture can be attributed to the country’s own effort. Much of that awareness stemmed from gleaning done by Hollywood and others outside the country to provide an exotic background for films and songs. Thus the presence of Gaucho guitarists at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City. While films occupied a central position in this cultural discovery and appropriation, radio still played an important role in blending the cultures of Argentina and the U.S.
Part I: “Consensus in Argentine Society and the Rise of Perón”. Chapter one, “ The Crisis of the Liberal Consensus” begins explaining the low participation from the Argentinean population in the government, due to the lack of documentation these people, mostly immigrant, had. Then, he goes on to detailed how the democratic liberalism governmental system was threatened by the elites of Argentina because they fear possible loss on their power from the new sectors that were rising. After, the author expressed that the state and church became even more closer when Perón’s started his governmental period.
In analyzing the Chilean cultural, the following items list below are considered strengths for the potential business seeking to operate in Chile. Having a democrat government opposed to being operated under as a dictatorship like in the 1900s. Having a Christian population that represents over 90 percent, which speaks to their moral values and ethical character. Being an active member to free-trade agreements and participating in over 50 bilateral agreements. Having a large labor force to support service level positions, along with having knowledgeable, skilled and competitive professionals to meet the demand of leadership and management. Being known as the number one economy within Latin America and being number 22 on the corruption
A vast example of pride for the country of Argentina, is sending an important world leader to lead the Catholic religion, Pope Francis. Pope Francis is a religious leader of the Catholic faith. Born and raised in Argentina, he is an example of the high concentration of Argentina’s dominant religion- Catholicism. Out of it 44 million people, around 92% consider themselves Roman Catholics, while 2% are Protestant, 2% Jewish and the other 4% categorize themselves as other (CIA, n.d.).
In the continent of South America, between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains, lies Chile. The country is a narrow and long strip of land that is bordered by Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and by the South Pacific Ocean to the west. After General Pinochet’s dictatorship comes to an end in 1990 marking the end of the General’s 17 years rule, Chile has emerged as one of the region leader on rapid economic development, also known for its healthy balance between creating a business-friendly environment and also enforcing progressive social policy. Overlooking Chilean fast-paced economic growth, we can look at the growth in the nation Gross domestic product capita in purchasing power parity (GDP PPP).
Family, including extended family is extremely important in Spanish culture and is the basis of society. Families provide a social and sometimes financial support network. Increased individualism is having its effect, however, as families become less close, family size decreases and a respect for personal preference decreases the frequency of people working for their family businesses (Spain - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette).
A culture is a porous entity, composed of both tangible and intangible elements. Every country seeks to possess a culture that is unique unto itself. A culture that is recognized and respected the world over. But due to the permeability, cultures cannot be solely confined to any one particular territory or region, any more than they can remain static. They flow and transform across borders and decades, altering and being altered by the already established culture. One example of this interweaving is the cultural exchange that occurred between the United States and Argentina during the early to mid-1900s. This new cultural form for both Argentina and the U.S. involved varied means and expressions. Prominently seen in the area of music and films,
In December 2015, Argentina’s newly elected “Cambiemos” party (Lets Change) announced it planned on lifting all restrictions on capital flows, allowing practically unlimited access to foreign currency in a process intended to push the peso’s value to float towards its true market value. The move to liberalize capital flows was a desperate attempt to increase exports and spur economic growth in an economy that has been battling low foreign reserves and double-digit inflation for the past several years. The free-market candidate, Mauricio Macri, was determined to restore investor confidence in Argentina, utterly destroyed by its 2002 record default, a lack of transparency in its economic institutions, and heavy state intervention. With the backing of big business, both domestic and foreign, Macri was able to mobilize a dissatisfied middle-class tired of the leftist protectionism of the past decade. The economic reforms came at a time of extreme political polarization and civil unrest in Argentina. The Peronist candidate, Daniel Scioli, lost by a very slim margin, leaving the opposition eager to utilize any economic setbacks as political ammunition. For many Argentines, Macri’s neoliberal plans sound awfully reminiscent of the disastrous policies implemented by Carlos Menem in the 1990s. Given the population’s low tolerance for austerity measures and a ferocious opposition watching every move, Macri’s must walk a tight line if he is to successfully tackle Argentina’s economic
If not, take a look at the selection of some of the most representative souvenirs of Argentina. Because you won’t just want to bring an item with you, but get a little piece of an amazing country, a token of their culture. Take a look! It is no wonder that Argentina is known for its leather since it is one of the world’s biggest producers of meat. With more than 200 tanneries, they have a fabulous production of high quality and durable cow, sheep and goat leather goods like jackets, shoes and hand bags. It is a true paradise it you love shopping.