
The Current Events Of Health Care Reform

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Affordable Care Act
The Current Events of Health Care Reform In 2010, President Barrack Obama signed into law the health reform called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The purpose of the law is to expand access to coverage in terms of health insurance. Another thing this law does is prohibits insurers from denying or increasing premiums based any pre-existing conditions. This new health care reform requires most Americans and legal residents to have health coverage and/or receive subsidies to help them pay for coverage from their paychecks. Today, the new health care reform is still in the news and many Americans including our politicians go back and forth on this issue. According to the American Press, as of today, …show more content…

That is because roughly three dozen states opted against creating their own health insurance marketplaces, or exchanges, and instead rely on the federal to help people find coverage if they don 't get insurance through their jobs or the government” (Sherman, 2015). It is up to the states on how to manage the newly insured and how competitive markets will be. Also it will be up to the states on the carriers and what they will do with the new federal subsidies they will receive under the act.
In a recent article written by the American Press it states, “A nonpartisan government study says repealing President Barack Obama 's health care law would modestly increase the budget deficit and the number of uninsured Americans would rise by more than 20 million. Republicans now in control of both chambers of Congress say they are not backing away from their promise to repeal "Obamacare." But repealing the law 's spending cuts and tax increases would add $137 billion to the federal deficit over the coming decade, even though almost $1.7 trillion in coverage costs would disappear. Repeal would reduce deficits in the first few years but increase them steadily as time goes on. Repeal would up the number of uninsured people by about 24 million people, and the share of U.S. adults with health insurance would drop from roughly 90

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